Saturday, November 24, 2007

Lazy Saturday

The weather outside is cold and rainy. I have been feeling icky...sinus troubles. We have been vegging out like crazy. The puppies are loving it! They have been snuggling with us too. Layla got a little stir-crazy this evening. She started running around the house like a wild child. She broke out the drum was great for me with the sinus pain and all! Gary was loving it except for he couldn't hear the football game. I think we have watched every game televised today...heehee! I guess we all need a lazy day now and then!
The Dora sofa is pretty comfy....Harley agrees!

Lazy boy~how can that be comfortable?

Sipes Family Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving evening we went to celebrate with Gary's family. We got together at Wally's (Susan's boyfriend) house. He has a drum set and several guitars. Layla was having an absolute blast. She loved the drums and actually played them well. Later in the night she was dancing to Rob playing the guitar.

Layla loved playing the she is with Aunt Susie.
Gina and Layla.
Robby, Sam (Rob's girlfriend) and Kristin
MeMaw and Layla
I finally got Robby to smile!

Shake your booty!

A few more T-day pics.

Angie sitting with the girls...Rosi, Marti & Sadi.
All 5 weiners...Bo, Sadi, Marti, Rosi & Bella.

All of us.

Johnson Family Thanksgiving

Grandma and Layla.
DeDe and Layla playing cars
Layla showing off the new pompom boots DeDe and Nevus gave her!

Uncle Maurice, Craig, Kacie and Gary.
DeDe, Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Pat.
Layla's favorite was the corn casserole and sweet potatoes.

The Miller's came to play!

Alex & Layla~best buds!Audrey....such a sweetie!
Laughing for her daddy. Layla & Audrey bonding.
Callaway and Harley had a visitor also...Oswald.
Callaway & Oswald played to hard he passed out on Layla's Dora sofa!
Yep, we had a great time when the Miller's came for a visit. The kids had a blast running and playing until bedtime. After all was quiet, the adults had some dinner and played games. Oh yes, Jeannie & I did finally put the whoop on Mark and Gary at a fun game of "42"!!! Yippee for the ladies...we rock!
Maybe we tied?....nahhhh

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Playtime with buddies.

Emily & Lilly came over on Friday morning for some playtime.
They had a great time!
This is the action from the Dora tent.
It is the best picture I could get. It was wild in there!
Lilly....she loves the camera!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Thanksgiving Party

I know the picture is fuzzy, but the turkey hat was
just too darn cute not to share this shot!

After lunch Luke crawled under the table for some fire truck action.

Olivia and her turkey hat!

Layla's preschool class celebrated Thanksgiving on Wednesday with a McDonalds lunch. The kids had a ball...Ms. Colleen said she hadn't seen the kids ever eat that much....Micky D's did them right!

Chalk abuse!!

Chalk and a white dog? MMmmmmm...

We had a big time playing with the sidewalk chalk.
Callaway had fun letting Layla color all over him. She loved chasing him around the yard...he loved being chased! They are great pals.


We all had ice cream cones one afternoon. Yummy!
Layla had to "cheers" us.
She usually says, " drink"

Friday, November 9, 2007

Purple turkey, corn and a squirrel

Fall artwork from Preschool.

I love that Layla does cute little art projects. Before enrolling her in preschool I felt bad...I didn't have the patience to make a turkey out of a toilet paper roll! Yeah Ms. Colleen!! Thanks a million.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


As some of you know Gary & I started our own business~~EnviroFoam. We never thought we'd be in the construction industry, but we's fun!

Gary and his team spray foam insulation into existing attic spaces, as well as new construction homes. The foam expands leaving no gaps and insulating homes like an Igloo cooler. Heating and air conditioning costs are greatly reduced. We all could stand the reduction of an electric bill in the summertime! Whew~Texas is hot! The foam does not absorb water, therefore there is no mold growth. The buggies and rodents don't like it, so bye bye critters! They can't nest in foam like they can in fiberglass insulation. The most important aspect of the foam is that it is "Green"....we are excited to be doing our part to help the earth become more environmentally friendly.

If you are building a home in the future, or know someone that is, give us a shout! We would love to help you out. Also remember we spray attic spaces. Gary and his team can insulate your current home and lower that energy bill. Look us up!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Halloween in the Neighborhood

Halloween afternoon we set up our yards for the
2nd annual Sipes-Paulk Trick or Treat festivities.
We hung lights and set up tombstones and silly music for all the kids of the neighborhood. It was big fun, and great for Layla and Hudson, they don't last very long trick or treating. They have more fun passing out candy.
Group photo
Cutie little Luke!
The cheerleaders checking out the skeleton.

Hudson and Layla off to trick or treat. Trick or the Clements house.
Back home to pass out candy with Daddy the chef!
We are so lucky to live in such a great
neighborhood with such wonderful people!