Tuesday, November 6, 2007


As some of you know Gary & I started our own business~~EnviroFoam. We never thought we'd be in the construction industry, but we are....it's fun!

Gary and his team spray foam insulation into existing attic spaces, as well as new construction homes. The foam expands leaving no gaps and insulating homes like an Igloo cooler. Heating and air conditioning costs are greatly reduced. We all could stand the reduction of an electric bill in the summertime! Whew~Texas is hot! The foam does not absorb water, therefore there is no mold growth. The buggies and rodents don't like it, so bye bye critters! They can't nest in foam like they can in fiberglass insulation. The most important aspect of the foam is that it is "Green"....we are excited to be doing our part to help the earth become more environmentally friendly.

If you are building a home in the future, or know someone that is, give us a shout! We would love to help you out. Also remember we spray attic spaces. Gary and his team can insulate your current home and lower that energy bill. Look us up http://enviro-foam.net/!!

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