Sunday, November 4, 2007

Halloween in the Neighborhood

Halloween afternoon we set up our yards for the
2nd annual Sipes-Paulk Trick or Treat festivities.
We hung lights and set up tombstones and silly music for all the kids of the neighborhood. It was big fun, and great for Layla and Hudson, they don't last very long trick or treating. They have more fun passing out candy.
Group photo
Cutie little Luke!
The cheerleaders checking out the skeleton.

Hudson and Layla off to trick or treat. Trick or the Clements house.
Back home to pass out candy with Daddy the chef!
We are so lucky to live in such a great
neighborhood with such wonderful people!

1 comment:

  1. It's about time, sister! :) Layla looks precious, as always! Thanks for sharing.


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