Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Easter!

Up there!
Yum O
Happy Easter everyone!
I just love Easter...spring is my favorite season and for me Easter kicks it off!
We had a great day here in the Sipes household.

We started the day with an egg hunt. We did it in the house...it was too cold outside. We headed off to church and then just hung out and watched Layla eat candy all day. She had the chocolate bunny eaten before church ever started. She wasn't much interested in any other breakfast...go figure. When Gary and I picked Layla up from the nursery her teachers were laughing at her. She told them her tummy was growling like a rolling tumbleweed. After church we tried to get a family Easter picture...that was a chore!
We hope you guys all had a great Easter!!

Happy Spring!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter get together!

My parents stopped by for a visit today and brought Layla some Easter treats. Thanks for the nice visit!!

Snug as a Bug in a Rug!

I was cleaning house the other day and Layla was having a wonderful time playing in the piles of laundry. She loves to be snuggly!!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Mommy really wanted a nap today! I woke up earlier than normal and needed some down time after lunch. I tucked Layla in for her nap and went to my bedroom. I couldn't sleep due to the party in Layla's room. She was yelling and making her stuffed animals talk...whew...she was wearing me out. I had to tell her twice pipe down. Finally, I offered her a choice, to nap and then head to the park to play, or to get up right then. She was so happy about the park she went right to sleep!! Before she drifted off to sleep she yelled "thanks mommy for the choice!" If I'd had only done that 30 minutes before. I could have gotten more rest!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wearing a dress!

Layla has a few dresses in her closet, but she has never shown an interest in wearing them....until now! Yippee I am excited! She picked out this dress to wear to church Sunday morning, but HAD to wear her boots with it. She is becoming so independent....picking out her own clothes. I'm glad!! She may look silly some days, but we are trying to teacher her to make her own choices!

Loving on Daddy!
We got the Easter eggs out early prior to her upcoming school Easter egg hunt. Layla is loving playing with them. She is so silly! I didn't get a picture, but she was holding the egg up to her ear saying she had to answer the "egg phone"

Monday, March 10, 2008

BOY!!! It's a boy!!

Ok....just got home from the Dr's office and the next little Sipes is a boy! Gary and Layla were with me during the ultrasound. Gary and I are super happy and excited! Layla's response was "It's supposed to be a sister?!?" We didn't care if it was a boy or girl...we are just happy that all the measurements are right on schedule....he looks good and healthy! We are sticking with our favorite boy name....Haden Cole. We aren't sure of the spelling yet maybe with a "y" Hayden Cole?? We are just thinking! Anyway...look out world little Hayden will be here before we know it. July isn't far away!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Another silly outfit!

I don't really know what to say! This one left me speechless. Cowboy hat, backpack and riding a stuffed dog like a pony...Hmmmm.

6.5 inches of SNOW!!!

It started snowing here in Haslet around 11:30am on Thursday morning. It snowed soooo much we thought it would never stop! It was amazing...we loved it. I think it snowed until around 4:00pm. It was a great treat!!Layla kept saying she couldn't walk....it was too deep. Mommy and Layla
Daddy and LaylaCallaway & Harley
The snow made the puppies hyper, they had to bunny hop around the yard...cute!

Hudson came over to help with the many snowmen...Layla built 3 total. She really enjoyed building them and using Mr. PotatoHead pieces for props.

I am so glad Layla got to make a real snow angel. She loves to lay on the carpet and do carpet angels...this time she could really see results!Backyard shot!
Warming up after a great afternoon of snow play.