Monday, June 30, 2008

Another Monday at the Dr's Office

I had my weekly appointment this morning with Dr. news to report!

On our way to the appointment Layla informed me that when she grows up she wants to drive an ice-cream truck. She said that she will turn on the music as she passes my house!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Almost 3!

Wow, I can't believe that LK will be 3 in a few weeks!! Time has flown by.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Yvonne is home!!

We are happy to say that MeMaw has moved back to her home. She has been back alittle over a week, and seems to be doing ok. She is a very different person...she can't remember things at times. She didn't even remember where she was going home to, but she seems to be doing just fine. Hopefully with time she will regain more of her memory. She has had a long hard fight, but overcame the stoke and heart attack she suffered back in April! We are thankful that she lives in such a wonderful assisted living facility. Everyone there is nice, supportive and helpful...they missed her dearly and seem happy to have her back!

Monday, June 23, 2008

With 4 weeks to go everything is still the same. I had another appointment this morning and it was uneventful. I am having an very routine pregnancy....which is wonderful...I can't complain about that, I am just ready to meet my son. I finally took the time to register at the hospital. It was very exciting. The hospital is brand spankin'new and is a women's is so nice!

Prayers for my comfort would be greatly appreciated. I am terribly uncomfortable all the time! I am trying to do the mind over matter thing, but it is not working so well. I am aching here and cramping there....AGHH my poor family....I know they are tired of hearing about my issues. I'm quite sure they are ready to have "Angie" back....I know I am. Layla told Gary the other day "I can't eat another bite...BeBe Cole is in my tummy and I have no more room!!" She has a baby in her tummy also, and I guess she gets just as full as I do at mealtimes!! Silly girl!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hayden's Room

I am still looking for a few more things for the walls, but all in all his room is done...we are just waiting for our little biscuit!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Hayden Update

My doctor appointment this morning was very routine. Dr. Holmes pretty much told me he'd see me in a week. I was bummed. I know, I know I still have 5 weeks left, but I was hoping for a little dilation or something. I guess Hayden is just gonna hang out as long as he can. So until next week....

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day 2008

Happy Father's Day to the best daddy on earth...I love you Layla.

Happy Father's Day to you DeDe! We love you lots and lots!

Thanks for coming over to play for the afternoon!

Auntie & Donny Ray

It was so wonderful to get to spend the afternoon with Auntie and Donny Ray. We have not seen them in 4 months, so the visit was great for all of us!

Donny Ray & Gary had lots of catching up to do!
Layla, showing Donny Ray her My 1st LeapPad.
Auntie and LK coloring.
Auntie and I...& Hayden too....heehee.
A fun girl shot!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

And then there were TWO

Look how big our tomato got in one week.
And there is another is tiny, but we are excited!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hanging out with Lilly

Layla & Lilly had tons of fun playing in the whale pool!
I'm not sure how they have room for themselves and the chairs....silly girls.
In Jail!
Having a chat.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Our first tomato

We are huge tomato lovers in this house, so we are thrilled to be growing yummy tomatoes this spring. Layla and I went out to check on them this morning and look what we found!!! Layla was so excited...she wanted to pick it. I told her a week ago we would have tomatoes soon, but she didn't understand. The look on her face today was priceless! We'll keep you posted on it's growth.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I am getting so excited about meeting my little man! In about 6 1/2 weeks we get to meet this wild rambunctious little guy that punches and kicks me daily. He currently has the hiccups; he gets them several times a day. I didn't keep a journal when I was pregnant with Layla. I wish I had...she didn't seem near as busy when I was carrying her. I guess he's gonna be a busy little boy! I'm gonna get a new pair of running shoes so I can keep up.

Happy Birthday to me!

Yesterday was my 32nd Birthday.
I had a wonderful day...Layla and I shopped all day!
She is a great little shopper.
Here are few pictures from our dinner with my parents.

My favorite birthday treat....cherries in the snow...yummy. Thanks Mom for making it for my special day!