BeBe is her best buddy for those of you who don't know that.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
July 26, 2008
July 25, 2008
Events leading to Hayden's Birthday:
Gary and I arrived at the hospital on Thursday night. We were admitted to a labor and delivery room at the new Andrews Women's Center @ Baylor All Saints. The hospital just opened in March, and it is super nice. The people are awesome. They must love to work in a totally new environment. All my nurses were super sweet and attentive.
After my arrival to the hospital we were in for a bit of a surprise. Mine and Hayden's heart rates were racing. That stressed out Angie, my 1st nurse for the night. With in a few minutes she had me on oxygen and lying on my left side. They weren't going to do anything until we were calm. Easy to say to me...I was scared to death. All was well within a few minutes and we were on the road to induction. They gave me the cervix softener around 8pm and we were just hanging out relaxing. I had a restless night of sleep and then woke up to receive pitocin at around 7am which got the whole labor thing underway. I was dilated 3cm by 10am and got my epidural!!! Yippee!! I had contractions all the night before, and had been having them for 2 weeks or so. I felt like I really didn't need the epidural yet, but was glad that I got it. It was pain free from that time on! Thank you whoever invented the epi!!! I progressed very well from 3cm to 8cm by noon, and then Hayden arrived at 1:02pm. I couldn't believe how fast it all went down! I was asked to push and wasn't sure if I was because I couldn't feel a thing. My epidural was great...I didn't realize I had legs....I had to touch them with my hand to feel them. Did I mention I liked it?
I am very blessed to have had such an easy time with a 9 pound baby. We stayed in the hospital until mid day Sunday and were so happy to be home Sunday night! 
Screaming like mad!
Proud parents
Father and son...proud father!!
DeDe and Nevus with little Hayden.
Mom and Hayden
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I should not have eaten that last helping of ice-cream!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Induction Date
We went to our weekly doctors appointment this morning and everything is still the same. I am still only 1 cm dilated and not effaced at all. I am scheduled for induction on Friday. Yippee! Light at the end of the tunnel....hopefully I will be holding little Hayden Cole at some point on Friday July 25, 2008!!! If he arrives before then we will let you know :)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
What happened?
I'm not sure what is going on, but my sweet daughter has developed an attitude. It is like a light switch turned on...she is a toot. She doesn't need help with anything, can't hear or follow instructions, and is a little sass pot. Gary and I have all the sudden started repeating ourselves a million times. She looks right at us as we speak as though we aren't there. Maybe because of Hayden's arrival?? But we have been talking about him forever...maybe she senses that he really is about to be here. Anyway, yesterday Layla told Gary to "slow down genius" Hello were did she get that?? I don't say that. I do say "hello" a lot, so I know were she got that one, but seriously. I'm very excited about Hayden because I have a little helper, but now I am helper has turned on me. Heck she is only 3...what about when she is 13? So if you see pictures of her with clothes that don't match and silly sock and shoe combos you'll know I didn't want to argue with her...I guess you learn to pick your battles :)
See what I the July heat we have on a green sock and a pink sock with crocs...go figure.
Due date!!
Ok, so my due date is here and no Hayden!! I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. We'll keep you posted. Keep praying that I don't go crazy in this Texas heat. You'd think I'd have learned from having Layla in July. Aghhhh.
I knew for certain that I was gonna go into labor last night watching the movie Untraceable. Thanks for the recommendation Mark and Jeannie!! OMG...Gary and I loved this movie. It was one of the best movies we have seen in a long time. Very suspenseful. Diane Lane was wonderful!!
Anyway, no labor for me. I've had lots of contractions that seem productive at first, and then they cease. Seriously....Friday night I thought were were on our way to the hospital....2 hours of hard contractions 2 minutes apart and lasting 1 miunte. And then they stopped. I was so tired I think Gary had to carry me to bed. This has been my nightly routine for a couple of weeks now! I'm tellin' ya, I'm always uncomfortable so I'm not going to know if I am really in labor. Hopefully I won't be on the nightly news.....Neighbors stunned,cranky pregnant woman beats Medstar paramedic with unopened bottle of wine delivering baby boy at home.
I knew for certain that I was gonna go into labor last night watching the movie Untraceable. Thanks for the recommendation Mark and Jeannie!! OMG...Gary and I loved this movie. It was one of the best movies we have seen in a long time. Very suspenseful. Diane Lane was wonderful!!
Anyway, no labor for me. I've had lots of contractions that seem productive at first, and then they cease. Seriously....Friday night I thought were were on our way to the hospital....2 hours of hard contractions 2 minutes apart and lasting 1 miunte. And then they stopped. I was so tired I think Gary had to carry me to bed. This has been my nightly routine for a couple of weeks now! I'm tellin' ya, I'm always uncomfortable so I'm not going to know if I am really in labor. Hopefully I won't be on the nightly news.....Neighbors stunned,cranky pregnant woman beats Medstar paramedic with unopened bottle of wine delivering baby boy at home.

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Mad Monday=Tired Tuesday
Monday was a wild day in the Sipes household. I woke up with a terrible headache at 4:30am and couldn't go back to sleep. It was so bad I called my doctors office....he was out of the office. They decided I should go to the hospital and be checked out. Gary and I loaded LK up and headed to the hospital. Layla was a great girl...bored and having serious allergy issues, but all in all she was good. I got checked in and was hanging out with this horrible headache about to vomit on anyone near me and they informed me that I was having contractions. I really didn't feel them at first because I am always uncomfortable. Soooo we thought this is it...part of the labor process!!! Nope~ turns out after being fully checked out, I was sent home to wait. I was dilated to a 1...whoowee! Contractions were very normal coming every 2 minutes. We headed home with our sneezy 3 year old and groggy mommy...they gave me pain meds for the headache. Last night was just a huge mess. Layla kept sneezing and got a fever....I had contractions that were so bad I thought we were going back to the hospital. Finally we all fell asleep...exhaustion!!! It didn't last long....Layla woke up at 5am! She didn't sleep well either. At one point in the night Gary said "Welcome to Hell!" Heck Hayden isn't here yet....when 4 people aren't sleeping well that will be even more eventful!
So, today I had my regular appointment, and am still dilated to a 1....I am having contractions regularly....and they are just aching. Nothing is coming of them. This is miserable. Hurry Hayden! We can't wait to meet you! Pray for the Sipes household!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
3rd Birthday Party
We had a wonderful time celebrating Layla's birthday on Saturday. Her party was a blast for the adults and kids. We started the afternoon with cake and ice cream, and then moved outdoors to the super duper water slide! OMG it was so much fun. The adults had just as much fun as the kiddos. All the dads had a blast doing crazy stunts making me a nervous wreck. I kept telling Gary to be careful I need his help having this baby. The guys were so WILD!! I had a great seat and took tons of pics. I can't wait until next year when I am not'll be on! It was a great way to spend the day in 101 degree heat.
Couples slide.
Can you say train wreck?
Scott & Sophie
Friday, July 11, 2008
39 weeks
I am so tired of being pregnant. Why does it have to be so hard at the end? I feel like someone kicked me in the stomach, hooha and back. It takes me approximately 5 minutes to get from a seated position to standing, and then another 5 minutes to take that first step to wherever I am going. When I can finally walk I have forgotten where I am going because I have this wonderful thing they call pregnancy brain. I can't remember anything. I can't get comfortable at night, so I don't sleep well. I have to get up at least 2-3 times in the night to pee because my bladder is getting kicked every time Hayden moves. We fight over my body. He doesn't like when I sleep in a certain position, so then I am lying awake....can't get comfy. I vacuumed my house earlier and you'd think I ran a marathon. I was starving, but too tired to fix a sandwich. I think Angela was abducted my aliens and hopefully they will drop her off here in a week or two when Hayden arrives. Who have I become? I love the idea of meeting my little man, I can't wait, but damn this has been hard work. This is great birth control for me!! I don't remember being such a wiener when I was pregnant with Layla. I am glad to have one boy and one girl because this chic is DONE!! So...I have been contracting every night for the past 2 1/2 weeks. When evening comes I get uncomfortable and the pressure goes into the night. I hope and pray every night Hayden will make his grand entrance, but he's still not here yet! Why can't some of these contractions be productive. If I go to my appointment on Tuesday and nothing has changed I may go insane. It feels great to vent. I know I signed up for this, and I am soooo happy. I love being a is so wonderful and the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I never grew up thinking I'd be a stay at home mom, but I love it. Layla is truly a blessing, and I will love my Hayden too, but whoowee! I think I will be okay with being sleep deprived when he arrives! At least if I pee in bed it isn't because he kicked me and was fighting me for room!!
Happy 3rd Birthday Layla Kate!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
VBS---July 6-9, 2008

Layla attended Vacation Bible School at our church this past week. I really think she had a great time. She learned so much, and we are happy about the message that was taught. It seems as if Layla turns off her ears lately. I have been asking her about her listening ears and she can't seem to find them.
As you can see by the huge whale she learned the story of Jonah. She now knows why he was swallowed and told us it was because he didn't listen to God. Hopefully she will remember the story and we can help her focus on her listening skills and finding those listening ears!!!
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