Sunday, July 13, 2008

3rd Birthday Party

We had a wonderful time celebrating Layla's birthday on Saturday. Her party was a blast for the adults and kids. We started the afternoon with cake and ice cream, and then moved outdoors to the super duper water slide! OMG it was so much fun. The adults had just as much fun as the kiddos. All the dads had a blast doing crazy stunts making me a nervous wreck. I kept telling Gary to be careful I need his help having this baby. The guys were so WILD!! I had a great seat and took tons of pics. I can't wait until next year when I am not'll be on! It was a great way to spend the day in 101 degree heat.

Thanks Netsie for the delicious birthday cake.
Blowing out the candles!

Jeannie & Audrey

Layla Kate....boy did she sleep well last night!

Gary...speaks for itself.

Alex...catching bugs....check out his mouth.

Macy...gettin' sideways

Sophie and Mia cooling off in the whale pool.

Couples slide.

Can you say train wreck?

Scott & Sophie

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