Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mad Monday=Tired Tuesday

Monday was a wild day in the Sipes household. I woke up with a terrible headache at 4:30am and couldn't go back to sleep. It was so bad I called my doctors office....he was out of the office. They decided I should go to the hospital and be checked out. Gary and I loaded LK up and headed to the hospital. Layla was a great girl...bored and having serious allergy issues, but all in all she was good. I got checked in and was hanging out with this horrible headache about to vomit on anyone near me and they informed me that I was having contractions. I really didn't feel them at first because I am always uncomfortable. Soooo we thought this is it...part of the labor process!!! Nope~ turns out after being fully checked out, I was sent home to wait. I was dilated to a 1...whoowee! Contractions were very normal coming every 2 minutes. We headed home with our sneezy 3 year old and groggy mommy...they gave me pain meds for the headache. Last night was just a huge mess. Layla kept sneezing and got a fever....I had contractions that were so bad I thought we were going back to the hospital. Finally we all fell asleep...exhaustion!!! It didn't last long....Layla woke up at 5am! She didn't sleep well either. At one point in the night Gary said "Welcome to Hell!" Heck Hayden isn't here yet....when 4 people aren't sleeping well that will be even more eventful!

So, today I had my regular appointment, and am still dilated to a 1....I am having contractions regularly....and they are just aching. Nothing is coming of them. This is miserable. Hurry Hayden! We can't wait to meet you! Pray for the Sipes household!

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