Monday, September 29, 2008

Silly Boy

Hayden had his 2 month check up this morning. Dr. Shori was very proud of our strong little man. She put him on his tummy, and he pushed up and almost rolled off!!

Here are his stats: 12 lbs 14 oz....23 inches long.
HC was NOT a happy camper after the nurse gave him his shots. Geez he is really a loud screamer, and he turned blue. I was traumatized, but all is well now. He are a few more pics of the little guy.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy Birthday MeMaw

Yvonne turns 72 years old today! Happy Birthday to you :)
We celebrated yesterday with the fam.

Memaw and Hayden
Dad grilling for us! Thanks for the yummy food.
Aunt Susan, Curtis, LK, Sultana, and Robby
HC and Aunt Susie

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hayden Cole

Here are some things 8 week old Hayden has been up to:
  • smiling
  • cooing
  • rolling over from his tummy to his back
  • holding his head steady when upright
  • sleeping at night for 7 consecutive hours!


During a recent visit to a local park we got to feed the very friendly ducks. Layla thought this was too cool! I thought she was going to pick one up; they were overly friendly little creatures.

Layla Kate

My daughter is such a character....heck with Gary and I as parents we should expect it. One day last week she started saying "Blow it out your horn" I have no idea where she heard it. I asked her, but she tells me this crazy random story that doesn't make sense. Anyway, it is quite comical to hear her repeat this time after time. She was outside on the patio carrying water from the dogs drinking bowl to her sandbox, and Callaway ( the dog ) got in her way. It is his water bowl, and she was in his way, but she felt the need to get mad and him. She looked at him like he was crazy and said "Blow it out your horn Cal"

Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Audra!

Gosh, I wish I knew when this picture was times back when we 1st met in Waco....years ago....maybe 1995. This was taken at my 1st apartment. Fun Memories!!Audra and I on Venice Beach (July 2004)...she took me sight seeing before she married the second most handsome man on the planet...seen below. Gary is the 1st most handsome of course...teehee!!

Audra and Scott
I love you Audra...I can't wait until you move home from are a true Texas girl!! We miss you more than you know :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

8 Years

Happy Anniversary to us!!
Eight years ago this morning Gary & I got married as the sun came up on the beach at Port Aransas. We had an amazing time, and 8 years has flown by!
Thanks Nevus & DeDe for coming to stay with LK and HC while we get away for the weekend.

7 weeks old

That grin...melts my heart.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Alexander!

On Saturday we went to Dallas to celebrate Alex's 5th Birthday. Jeannie did a wonderful job transforming her backyard into a carnival.

Birthday Boy

Layla is so silly, it took her forever to ask the clown for a balloon. She told Gary she didn't like the clown because he wasn't real. She also wouldn't get her face painted. Most of the girls were getting tiara's painted on their foreheads. Layla wasn't having any part of it. I guess she was having a shy day until the sugar kicked in.

Sweet Audrey
Funny faces!!! LK and Alex were so high on sugar.
They were cracking me up--posing like mad for the camera.

And loud....they were screaming.

Jeannie & I. My BFF....I love her!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fort Worth Zoo

Sophie & Layla

Layla wasn't to sure about the gorilla. She was scared he'd come through the glass wall.
HC slept the whole time.

My favorite part was the penguin exhibit.

A visit from the girls

Awww...Kristin and Hayden

Auntie Suzie and LK
Gina and Layla

After Gina, Susan and Kristin visited Layla kept referring to them as "the girls"

Layla and Sophie

Layla dancing!

Stopping for a snack.
Layla and Sophie have become great buddies. Becky and I took the kids to the Jumpin' Place. The girls had a blast. Hunter and Hayden slept the whole time!

Sleepy little munchie!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


I have so many things to blog...we have been so busy lately. I am so amazed that I am choosing sleep over blogging right now. We are getting more sleep, but I think I just need to catch up from the month before when we weren't getting any! Just when I think little Hayden is getting into a schedule....bam...he throws us for a loop! Anyway, we are all adjusting to each other and getting ready for the wonderful fall weather. We had a taste of it last week...some really cool nights and days. We can't wait for football and open windows....letting the fall air fill the house!!!! I promise I will catch up soon....I have tons of pics and events to fill you in on! Happy Fall :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

School Days

She has 2 for clothes and her folder, the other is her nap bag. We also have a lunch box....she is loaded down walking into school.
Jumping for joy!
Helping with the calendar.