Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween from Mr. Turtle, and the Princess Kitty Cat!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sweetest Girl

Yesterday Layla said to me, "Mommy, I love you, I could never loose you, you are the best part of my heart." Awwwww how sweet! My sassy little headstrong girl is so sweet :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Apples and Pumpkins

Sophie & Layla had fun putting sprinkles on the carmel apples.

Yummy bite

Another bite!


Check out my apple!

Painting pumpkins

The finished product!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pumpkin Pickin'

Layla was on a mission to pick out the perfect pumpkin.

This one might be the one!

Mmmmm...or this one.

I think I like the smaller one!

Hayden wasn't having as much fun as his sister.

One dad's shoulder after a snack.
Layla had a great time at the pumpkin patch.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Big Tex

We had a great day at the State Fair of Texas!

Layla couldn't wait to see Big Tex...that was the hightlight of the trip.

Dad and HC

Layla throwing darts for prizes...she actually hit a balloon :)

LK showing off her prizes. She was so proud to have two more fun stuffed animals....eeeewwwww!! There is just something nasty about stuffed animals from the fair....I hope they make it through the washing machine.

Hayden Cole....12 weeks old!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hook 'em Horns!!!

Getting all dressed up for the Texas vs. Oklahoma game today at 11am!!

She's saying Hook 'em...he's trying :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Mr. Pooh

Hayden has been cracking us up.
He loves this little Pooh bear...he smiles and coos at it non-stop!

11 weeks old

Layla thought she'd see what the action is all about.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

Fall Festival Madness

Layla's preschool and our church both hosted Fall Festival celebrations this past weekend. We attended her school festival first. The highlight of this festival was the petting zoo. Layla has been asking to go to a petting zoo for months. She was super excited to get to hold and touch the animals.

The bunny was her favorite

It was very windy Saturday...her hair was a wreck!

The highlight of the 2nd festival was the 2 story slide. Layla couldn't wait to slide down, but when she got to the top she got scared. I ended up crawling to the top to talk her into going down. It was was sooo tall. Anyway, here are a few pics of us girls on the slide.

LK going up....

Sliding down.

Thank goodness this picture is can't see how scared I was...teehee!

Daddy & Hayden

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Check out these pics

My kids look exactly the same!!!

I love this book!!

For any of you who have babies and kids...this book is wonderful, and so far it has worked for both of my kids. It's a great tool. Dr. Weissbluth made me realize how important sleep is. Kids have to eat, and sleep is just as important! Dr. Weissbluth goes into detail about sleep patterns, and how to see signs of sleepiness. I had forgotten some stuff, so I'm glad I'm reading it again.
We have been trying this with Hayden....10 weeks old tomorrow. He has been sleeping from 7:30pm until 4:30am and then going back to sleep until around 8:00am after that 4:30am feeding. It feels so good to finally get some good that I had to share this with you. We started trying to get into a schedule when Hayden was 6 weeks old, but it really didn't work until he turned 8 weeks old. The book is structured so that you can pick-up and read from the age of your it isn't just for newborns. Okay...I'm done rambling on :)