Monday, October 6, 2008

Fall Festival Madness

Layla's preschool and our church both hosted Fall Festival celebrations this past weekend. We attended her school festival first. The highlight of this festival was the petting zoo. Layla has been asking to go to a petting zoo for months. She was super excited to get to hold and touch the animals.

The bunny was her favorite

It was very windy Saturday...her hair was a wreck!

The highlight of the 2nd festival was the 2 story slide. Layla couldn't wait to slide down, but when she got to the top she got scared. I ended up crawling to the top to talk her into going down. It was was sooo tall. Anyway, here are a few pics of us girls on the slide.

LK going up....

Sliding down.

Thank goodness this picture is can't see how scared I was...teehee!

Daddy & Hayden

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