Thursday, October 2, 2008

I love this book!!

For any of you who have babies and kids...this book is wonderful, and so far it has worked for both of my kids. It's a great tool. Dr. Weissbluth made me realize how important sleep is. Kids have to eat, and sleep is just as important! Dr. Weissbluth goes into detail about sleep patterns, and how to see signs of sleepiness. I had forgotten some stuff, so I'm glad I'm reading it again.
We have been trying this with Hayden....10 weeks old tomorrow. He has been sleeping from 7:30pm until 4:30am and then going back to sleep until around 8:00am after that 4:30am feeding. It feels so good to finally get some good that I had to share this with you. We started trying to get into a schedule when Hayden was 6 weeks old, but it really didn't work until he turned 8 weeks old. The book is structured so that you can pick-up and read from the age of your it isn't just for newborns. Okay...I'm done rambling on :)

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