Saturday, January 24, 2009

Never ending Ick...

Wow!!! This time of year is usually a great time to get back into our normal routine from the holiday rush, BUT our household has been super chaotic. I was sick around the begining of January, and then Gary got it. We were all well for about 2 days then LK got nasty again, and now HC also. Poor little man he has icky boogers, but is a champ. He is sleeping fairly well for the most part. Cough Cough sniffle sneeze sneeze!! Hope you are well~stay warm!! It is 31 degrees here today....but yesterday it was in the 70's. Mmmm I wonder why we are all sick!

1 comment:

  1. Same here! It's hard for the little ones because there is almost no medicine to give them to help with the cough. I hope it passes soon!


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