Monday, January 26, 2009

Rotten News

I'm sad. HC's 6 month check-up turned into a sick baby visit. Our little guy has been coughing and sneezing as has our whole household. His sickness turned into RSV. He was wheezing this morning, so the doctor recommended a nebulizer for breathing treatments. Awww, it is so sad to see him get so mad at the mask he has to wear during the treatments. Anyway, we are on our way to a speedy recovery (hopefully). Say a few prayers for little HC!!! He weighed in at 17 pounds 13 ounces...that explains the awesome arms muscles I should have soon.

We are expecting sleet and cold temps for the next few days so we will be staying indoors getting well. Hopefully the whole house will get better....Mommy and Daddy are sick of being sick...bahhh....icky cold and flu season. LK has a new set of crayons, so she is ready for some vegging out!!

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