Thursday, February 26, 2009

HC, Cal & my girls

It is amazing how time flies! I can't believe Hayden is 7 months old. He is such a busy boy. He is eating finger foods...fruit puffs and veggie puffs...he loves bananas and carrots. It is so cute to watch his fingers pinch the food~his mouth wide open ready to munch down on yumminess. He loves to sit on the living room floor and play. He can sit there for hours....and when he gets tired he falls down onto his tummy. He is trying so hard to crawl, but it hasn't happened yet. He has two teeth and bibs filled with drool, so I'm thinking more teeth are coming soon. He loves watching his crazy sister and the dogs.

BTW...Callaway is doing good this morning. He is still really out of it. He wanted to go outside to lay in the is a picture of him coming to greet me when I walked outside to check on him. He is a good boy!

And since I talked so much about my are some pics of my girls :)

Hugs...Happy Thursday to you all!!

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