Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

We had a great time catching up with each other! I have been friends with each of these ladies since before kindergarten. We treated ourselves to a Spa outing, and it was great that is was on Mother's Day weekend. It was a blast to be pampered! I can't wait to get together again...soon!

I am so lucky to be mommy two the most amazing kiddos ever! It has been a mellow Mother's Day this year. Last night when I got home from my Spa trip, Layla was sick. High fever and she even threw up. She has had fever on and off all day today as high as 102.7 degrees. We have just been hanging out relaxing and hibernating. Bless her little heart, I hope she feels better soon, and I hope the rest of our household will stay well. Say some prayers for us!
Happy Mother's Day to you all!!

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