Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wrestle Mania

Aunt Gina sent the kids a care package in the mail yesterday. They were both napping when it arrived, and once they both woke up they tore into it. Have you seen freshly napped children tear into a box of goodies?? Holy Mess. Hayden had a ball playing with the box. Layla was super excited to receive a dress, a million pairs of panties and 2 swim suits! She tried everything on and started jumping around the house. She managed to get Hayden all riled up and excited too. They were so silly and loud...not really sure where they get that from...maybe daddy? Teehee!
Good Grief...I'm not sure how he keeps his clothes on.
She is always pulling on them.
Yelling at sister.
Sitting with his loot!

Cute dress

Showing off her new princess swim suit.
Thanks Gina!!

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