Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer Yummy

We have been at the pool almost everyday this week. We usually go after naps in the afternoon. It is so nice to come in to a cool house and smell dinner in the slow cooker. After a fun in the sun we have to do baths and then I have two hungry kids. Or one. Hayden eats everything! I'm not kidding, but Layla she is currently on food strike. Yesterday I made an incredibly fattening casserole, with cheese and pasta...she ate a banana and almonds. I guess she was the smart one :) However I am all about easy and once again the slow cooker works for me. When my kids are older I am looking forward to cooking more gourmet meals. I found a homemade tamale recipe in The Food Network magazine...holy yummyness. I can't wait for a weekend to cook those, so here goes another EASY 'summer yummy' recipe.

Slow-cooked Italian Chicken

3 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 pkg. dry Italian dressing mix
1 can of 98% fat free cream of mushroom soup
4 oz can mushrooms, drained
8 oz fat-free plain yogurt

Place chicken in slow cooker. Mix together dressing mix, soup, yogurt and mushrooms. Stir into chicken.

Cook for 6 hours.

We ate this with a salad with a sun dried tomato vinaigrette dressing. It is made by Kraft and it is to die for! It is Gary's new favorite dressing.

I love looking at recipes online. I get an email from BettyCrocker, Allrecipes, and Campbell's. I love the patriotic desserts and fruit salads posted this time of year. Check them out. I am gonna add a new addition to my side bar so you can see where I get some of my recipes! Happy Friday :))

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