Sunday, June 28, 2009

Weekend Recap was a busy weekend, but boy was it fun! Friday night Gary grilled steaks for just US. We waited until the kids were in bed, and then we had a fun date in the backyard grilling and talking.
After dinner we visited with our neighbors DeeDee and Paul. They are so fun and we love hanging out with them telling silly stories and talking about our kids. They have an adorable son named Luke, and he was born on July 25 one year before they will be buddies for sure!

Saturday night was the first night we hired a babysitter to stay with the kids. Layla's preschool teacher, Daphne, came over to hang out with LK and HC. It was great to leave them with a sitter. We have been looking for someone to keep them, other than family. Daphne brought her 10 year old daughter Carli. Layla loves Carli so she had a ball AND stayed up WAY too late. It was ok with us though, because she had a ball! Gary and I went to hangout with some buddies that are moving to North Carolina. We are really sad to see them go :( We had a fun time visiting with them and a few other couples. We got in the pool and it was very refreshing and quite warm. We enjoyed our adult night!

This morning the kids had fun walking. Hayden is doing really well trying to walk, but isn't really steady. Layla helped him along. They walked hand in hand all throughout the house early this morning. I'm thinking he will be walking really soon!

Then they would fall over into a heap of giggles!


  1. Yea, a date night! Can't have enough of them. So glad you got to go out AND you found a babysitter, other than family. We worked hard at finding one too, really liked her and used her several times, then she went off to college! Bummer. Jason and I like to sit outside after the kids go to bed to just talk and sit out in the silence.

  2. I love date nights. we're lucky to have so many helping hands, yet date night is still such a treat!


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