Monday, July 27, 2009

Are you ready for some football?

We LOVE football season!!
I am so excited about the cooler weather and fun fall Sundays filled with NFL football games.
But yes it is only camp is a day or two away, and yes Layla is wearing a sweatshirt. She wanted to go outside with it on, It is approximately 101 degrees outside in Texas.
Silly girl! And boy...really?!? A football in your mouth?!?
and a shirt full of drool...silly teeth :)


  1. We love football too!!! My hubby is already talking about football season! We are Bucs fans!

  2. We love football at our house too. We'd like to go to a NFL game this year but I don't know if that's going to happen. My husband is a huge Giants fan...can we still be friends?

  3. oooohhhh, I can't wait! Seeing her sweatshirt makes we want to go out and buy my kids some new Cowboys attire. gotta have it! We have friends over for the games quite a bit, so be expecting an invite this fall!

  4. You have a beautiful family!!! My son just started football last night, and I have to say I am a bit nervous! Love to watch him in any sport though!

    Have a wonderful Tuesday!


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