Monday, July 20, 2009

Favorite picture from the weekend

I am so thankful for ALL my friends. This past weekend I got to see some of my buddies that live in other cities. I don't get to see them as often as I'd like. We get busy with our everyday lives...changing diapers, grocery store trips, keeping a baby boy on a sleep schedule, laundry, dinner, lawn work, you get the idea. My point of this post you ask?!? I have been so busy adjusting to 2 kids this past year. Sometimes I feel very out of touch. I thank God for my friends and the ability to just pick up where we left off and be together like we used to before life got wild! I hope they know how much they mean to me.

Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life.


  1. It's great to be around your old friends because they understand things without an explanation...You're a lucky girl!

  2. I agree...nothing like them.

  3. Friends are the best! I got to talk to my very bestest tonight and it was such good therapy!!

    Thanks for visiting my blog earlier!!



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