Happy Monday!
Today's version of Friend Makin' Monday is all about vacations!
Jolanthe at No Ordinary Moments is hosting this week. I'm excited to read about my blog friends vacations. I'm hoping to get some ideas of places to put on my 'places to visit' list.
This task has two parts. You can do either one or both ~ it's up to you...but join in on the fun!
1. Tell us about the best {or worst} vacation that you've ever taken.
2. Tell us FIVE places/vacations that you would like to take at some point your life. It doesn't have to be next year...maybe it's the vacation of a lifetime or somewhere you just dream of going years from now.
~The best vacation EVER~

Breckenridge Colorado
I love the mountains. Waking up and seeing the snow covered trees glistening in the sun is amazing. It is so relaxing to head up the mountain and ski slowly down. Or for Gary...to speed ski down. Me, I am just a nice and slow 'take in all the scenery' skier. Just thinking about it makes me excited about our next trip. I have been to many ski areas, but my favorite is Breckenridge. It is the place I want my kids to fall in love with, as Gary and I have!

~Five places I'd love to go~
1. Myrtle Beach...ever since I saw the chic flick Shag I have wanted to go...ha!
2. Boston, Massachusetts...I want fresh Lobster Bisque :)
3. New York City...I'm not a big shopper, but would certainly do it there!
4. Naples, Florida...I love beaches.
5. Snowbird, Utah...can you say snow ski??
Your turn~link your blog to Jolanthe's and tell us your favorite vacay spots!
Those pictures of CO are amazing. It's on my list of places I would love to visit. mmm, lobster bisque.
Breck is awesome. My brother lived there for a year between undergrad and law school and worked as a liftie! Skiing is an awesome vacation!
ooo I had a great trip to Breckenridge, CO as well! I love the breathtaking views and the snow :-).. come to Myrtle Beach it is amazing there!
I would like to visit New York City.
Lobster bisque sounds so delicious. I have a brother that lives in Colorado, a lot of people have mentioned that state today. Maybe I should plan a vacation at his place this winter :)
Hi, It is nice to meet you! You have a beautiful family! I have never been to CO, but would like to go!
Great pic!
I live in Breckenridge. Well, Breckenridge, MN that is population 3000+ and very, very flat. Cross country skiing is the only kind possible here.
I have only seen Colorado in the summer, can you believe it?? I am not much of a skiier, but hubby is and we definitely want to teach the kids to ski!
Happy FMM!!
Hi Angie!
Beautiful pictures. Great FMM list! I live at the bottom of Snowbird's canyon. You can come visit and stay with me anytime!
Hey now - Boston isn't the only place with Lobster bisque! :) {I grew up in Maine}. But there are some great places to visit in Boston!
Happy FMM!
I live in New York City, and I have to say that shopping is pretty fun. But I love shopping everywhere...;)
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