Thursday, July 16, 2009

Game of Tag

I am playing a photo tag game today. I am glad it is somewhat of an adult game. Shutes and Ladders and CandyLand get old sometimes! hehe:))

My friend Alli tagged me, and I have to pick the 6th photo in the 6th folder of my pictures file. And then tell about what is going on.
So here goes!

This picture was taken on May 24, 2009. We had the Miller family over for dinner. Our kids were playing on the slip and slide. Gary and I just got our new camera and we were taking turns snapping random shots. He took this one of me...pretty typical if you know me! Mouth open laughing LOUDLY!
Now I am off to get some things done around the house. It has been crazy around here. I have barely had time to blog...oh the horror!! Blogging is my favorite thing to do.
I am so excited about another fun weekend ahead.
Good friends~good times!


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