Thursday, July 30, 2009

I LOVE a great deal!

I just bought a ton of stuff at Half Price Books.
I got all this for $57.00! Can I get a Yeehaw!?!
Layla picked out several (5) books, and she even picked out one for her brother Manny's Book of Tools. It is the cutest book...the tools are movable. She got several cartridges and coordinating books for her My First Leap Pad...they were $6.00. REally? I found some dry erase markers for one of her coloring activities. Bingo!! She will probably leave the lids off and they will dry out, so for $1.98 you can't go wrong. I got several CD's on clearance...ok wait for it...$2.00 a piece!! And then the whole reason we went was for the book Siblings Without Rivalry. I also got another book that looked interesting and I read about it at Amazon. It is called How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk. I love parenting books. I rarely make time to read, but GOSH I wish I could. I love fiction books too. I would love to finish the Twilight series, but time. I have a stack of magazines I need to read also.
The parenting books alone on Amazon would have been $20.00. So yay me!
Anyway, I hope you all had a good afternoon!
I did and it is only gonna get better because Gary is coming home from a 4 day business trip. Another Yeehaw!!
And sorry for the hugely long paragraph. I am having spacing issues lately. I'm frustrated about it. No matter how many times I press enter to break up my words...when I publish it doesn't space the way I want. ARGHHHH!!


  1. Woo hoo! I love Half Price Books! I love selling there too, even if I don't get much $ for the books, it feels great to purge. This makes me want to go visit mine this weekend.

  2. You did get some great deals. I like that store too.


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