Thursday, August 6, 2009

Awards...for little ole me??

I want to shout out a big Thank You to two amazing bloggers I have recently received awards from. I know...blogger awards...sweet. I am so humbled and honored for receiving these awards. Four in one week.

For my daily dose of laughter I go to visit The V Spot.
Thank you Vivienne for the Queen Award.

And I received three awards from my friend Chrissy at Bitter Sweet Moments.

Thank you ladies for the amazing awards. I truly enjoy reading your blogs everyday!
Thanks for the support you have given me. all of my *followers...thanks also :)
{cheeks turning red} *followers are on my left sidebar..give 'em a click
The blog world is a fun place for me to go for support, ideas and new friends. For my IRL (in real life) friends, I know you may not understand when I talk about a blog buddy, since I haven't really met them in person and all. But that is okay! My blog friends know how I feel. So for all you non bloggers and bloggers go visit some of these blogs to 'meet' some of my friends!
These ladies are amazing'll be addicted in no time :)


  1. Can I give you the award for the person who makes me laugh daily via twitter??? My favorite was Layla telling you how to drive! :)

  2.'re making me blush. Thanks. You totally deserve your awards, I really enjoy reading your blog. I have met some really fun people this way, like you!~

  3. Congrats on your awards!! Woo-hoo!!


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