Monday, August 31, 2009

Broken Monitor

I am so sad to say that my computer monitor is broken. I turned it on this morning to see what Friend Making Monday was all about, and it was on for all of 5 minutes and then off it went. Poof...BROKEN...I am so sad and having serious withdrawl. Hopefully I will get it replaced really quickly. For now I will be blogging from my cell phone, or Gary's laptop at nights.


  1. That stinks!! I hate it when things like that happen! Hopefully you can get it fixed soon!

  2. Oh no. You've gotta get that fixed so you can be in touch. I hope you can get it fixed soon. We'll still be here.

  3. Ugh. Hope you get it fixed too. Our monitor broke a while ago too. Bummer.

  4. I hate when that happens!!! HATE IT! I’m having a slightly different problem; my hard drives are both crashing on my laptop and now my desktop. This totally sucks. I feel ya!

  5. Oh no! So sorry. :( I have wondered if I could blog well on my phone.


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