Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hot Wheels & Chalk

Layla's new favorite activity...she will play for hours.
She says, "jump in the pool, play with cars, jump in the pool, play with cars".
You get the idea...gotta keep cool in this Texas heat.


  1. I love sidewalk chalk!! I mean my kids do!! ha! How fun for her and good for you that she loves to do it so long! Did she make that track all on her own?

  2. Kenzie and I were checking your blog, and Kenzie was asking about Layla. She wants to play with her sometime! We need to get them together sometime soon!

  3. We so need to do this. My little man loves chalk and all I can ever think of is hopscotch. We are doing this tommorow. Thanks.

  4. Now that's a smart girl, making her own track. Caleb LOVES cars and plays with them all of the time.

  5. I found your blog some how and thought it was great! Such creative kids! Ah… to be a kid again… pool, play, pool, play! What a life! ;) BTW – Love your blog, you got me hooked as a follower!! ;)

  6. Matchbox cars are a staple toy around here! And anything that beats the heat is a good thing!

  7. That looks so fun!! I am drawing on my sidewalk for the kids today, and I just might play with them!!:-) Hope your Wednesday is wonderful!

  8. Great idea- now I know what I am doing in my driveway tomorrow for my boys! Glad to meet you. I am following, Your family is too cute.

  9. I love your site and am often inspired by your creations and ideas. I have awarded you Kreativ Blogger on my site for being one of my favorite reads. Check it out at http://www.5sillyfrogs.blogspot.com/


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