Tuesday, August 25, 2009

One of my two Little Tooter Pants

Cheezin' it up!

Shake your bootie!

Stopping to pose for a quick picture during a recent shopping trip to the mall.


Oh how I love this little girl!

I was looking back through old posts from 2 years ago and am so happy that I started blogging. It is great way to keep family & friends up to date on the happenings of our family!


Tomorrow we are going to the preschool to meet Layla's teacher for her last year of preschool! She will start kindergarten this time next year.

~Time has flown~

I cherish each and every moment I have with my 2 kids. I am always making up names for them and often I call them tooter pants! Silly I know ;)


  1. She is so pretty girl!! I could just eat her up!! Love her dress up clothes! Hoping she has a great teacher for pre-schooL!

  2. nicknames are great! especially silly ones! I call my kids libby-skibby, emmmajane-a-rain, and buga-boo-bear! I even make up songs about their nicknames. I think tooter pants is a great name!

    And seriously! My baby is starting kindergarten next year too! They are growing up too fast!

  3. It is amazing how time flies!
    And tooter pants is such a cute nickname. I call my little girl Melody Lou and my boys Jack-a-roo and Chuckles ;)

  4. I love nicknames, they can be so meaningful. Cute pictures.

  5. Blogging is great for keeping memories in one place and letting family and friends know what is happening in your daily life! A couple of the many reasons I love it so much! Your little girl is ADORABLE! My little guy started kindergarten this year and it has been an adjustment. I can't believe how fast time flies by. We've got to embrace each moment!

    Hope you're having a wonderful week!


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