Sunday, September 6, 2009

favorite things about fall~~~fmm

I could go on about Fun Favorite Fall things, but I will choose just a few.

You should choose a few too!

Go visit Amber's blog and link your blog to MckLinky! It is really fun, and a fabulous way to meet bloggers just like you and I. I have met so many great blog friends. It is wonderful to know there are other mommy's out there like me that need advise, or are just looking for a new recipe.

Here are my fav's

new fall nail polish colors...I'm thinking I like purple

back to school...Layla loves to learn

cheaper electric bill...bye bye TX summer HEAT

fall air...oh how i love curtains blowing in the breeze after a hot TX summer

football...need I say more?

grilling grilling & more grilling...we do it any time of year.

fall is always more fun b/c Texas summers get so hot.

What do YOU love most about fall?


  1. Being a Texas girl myself....I love your entire list!!!!!!!!

  2. Love your list. Ah, grilling on the BBQ...everything tastes better off the grill!

    We go from big power bills for AC, to big power bills for heating! We get just as cold as we get hot!

  3. Awesome list!! I can definitely relate to cheaper electric bills...and being able to leave a window or door open. I cant wait!

  4. Great list...I see a lot of people mentioning nail polish and I completely forgot to mention that...I love wacky colors! :)

  5. I forgot about cheaper electric bills. Oh how I love curtains blowing in the breeze also!!

    Thanks for sharing!!

  6. Thanks for mentioning fall wind-now I know I'm going to have nice dreams tonight!

  7. I still love the hand on the hip and I love the picture of the window with the breeze coming throuhg...aaahhh!

  8. Good list. Love your pic of your daughter going to school. Happy Fall to you!

  9. Great list!!! I love that the heat is leaving my area too! Have a great week!

  10. I bought some purple nail polish last week - can't wait to wear it. I just need to find to put it on (maybe if I get off blogger I can do it).

    I LOVE football, especially college, but I forgot to put it on my list.

  11. Its hot here too...hopefully less so soon. :) And love that purple polish. LOVE IT.

  12. I lived in Texas growing up so I remember the killer heat! But it's nice and cool in NY at the moment. :)

    I'll be watching my Longhorns again next weekend with a hoagie and pride so I'm with you on the football thing as well..

  13. Are you ready for some football? Thanks for asking Hank. Yes. Yes I am!

  14. LOVE your list! Every single thing. I live in the pit of hell too, so I understand the heat. :) I am SO ready for it to be over.

    I ♥ fall!

  15. Hi Angie!

    Happy FMM! I loved your list. It is nice when the weather cools off so we can let the breeze in!

    Have a super week!


  16. Oooh! I never thought about the cheaper electric bill! So true, so true...

  17. LOVE IT!! Yay for cheaper electric bills!! and I love windows open too, it's so relaxing to me!


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