Sunday, September 6, 2009

Friday Night Lights

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Me, Christal, Hollie & Jessica

I grew up in a small town in Texas, and I wouldn't change it for anything. You know, the kind of town where you are cheerleader, play the flute in the band, run cross country and still manage to find time to work at the grocery store and participate in One Act Play/Drama. That was me, and where I come from we all really did a little bit of everything. It seems like now a days most kids just focus on one or two things.
Secretly I want my kids to go to a small school and have the same feelings I had growing up. You know everyone and everyone knows you...and your business. That might not always be so good, but we were always looking out for one another. I had amazing friends and still talk to many of them today.
There is just something about the sound and feeling of sitting in the stands watching a team play football on a fall Friday night. Not just any field, but THE field where my classmates and I formed memories that last a lifetime. Some of those friends I will never see again. Some of them I have the amazing privilege of hanging out with often. I have goose bumps now ;)
Gary and I are totally addicted to the TV show Friday Night Lights. It is an amazing drama series that gives me goose bumps every time I see it. It takes me back in time and I felt that feeling sitting in the stands on Friday night. It was a fun night !!
I love football and I have since high school. After going to the game I felt energized. It was an amazing way to get me in the football groove. It was like a pep rally and I am was totally prepared for college football's premiere day on Saturday.
Bring on the NFL and more fall football...Woohoo!!!

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  1. I can only do football if it is the Cowboys!!

  2. I love football season!! Especially when my team wins! Roll Tide!

  3. I loved this post! It reminded me so much of my growing up in a small town. Loved it. I do miss those Friday games.

  4. I LOOOOOOVE FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS! That show ROCKS!!! And, I love, love, love Football! But, of course, I am born and raised here in the great state of Texas, so it would kind of be wrong if I didn't like football...haha...

  5. We have heard great things about friday Night lights! We think we need to start watching! I love that picture of you and the girls!

  6. I couldn't have said it better!! Loved being in the stands with you last Friday Night!


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