Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!


Hey it's....


Little miss


Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Blast from the Past

I saw posts similar to this and couldn't resist posting my own.
I just had to join in the fun!

My little fairy

Layla's first Halloween! I will always remember this day because she started laughing out loud for the first time. She was giggling like crazy and so were we.


My little ladybug

Busy little bug. I looked for pics of Gary & I too, but couldn't find any. This is the year that Gary dressed up like an exterminator.

It was very cold in '06
Layla's little hands were like icicles at the end of the night.
My little cheerleader

She made a sassy little "cheeleador" as she said.

Rah rah ree


My little kitty

My little turtle
Hayden's first Halloween.
He wanted out of that suit so bad.
HA! I'm glad I got that pic. I didn't get any of the two kids together.
Last year was a wild time.

The cure for a sweet 'pumpkin' tooth

Pumpkin Pie Squares


1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup butter

2 cups pumpkin puree
1 12 ounce can evaporated milk
2 egg whites
3/4 cup white sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves

1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons butter


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Spray or grease one 9x13 inch pan.
Mix together the flour, oatmeal, brown sugar and butter.

Press into pan.

Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown.

In a large deep metal bowl, beat egg whites until soft peaks form.
Blend together the pumpkin, evaporated milk, egg whites, sugar, salt, cinnamon, ginger and clove.

Pour custard into baked crust.

Bake for 30 minutes or until firm.

Mix together the chopped nuts, brown sugar and butter.

Sprinkle topping on custard.

Bake an additional 15 minutes.

Remove from oven and allow to cool.

Cut into squares.

I made these this week and they are so super duper yummy! I don't think the recipe should be altered at all...they are perfectly dangerous little squares of yummy~ness.

A new favorite in our house.

Recipe courtesy of Allrecipes

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fly like an eagle

This past weekend an airport near our home hosted their annual Airshow.

When I say near our home I should have said on top of our home.
On Friday the airplanes were practicing and I didn't know it until they were right on top of us. They scared the kids and I to death!!
The Blue Angels are so loud!!
I grabbed my camera but didn't get any good shots worth posting.
On Sunday we loaded up a picnic and sat in the car and watched the show. It was so fun. Last year we actually went to the show, but I didn't want to damage any ones ears. It was best for us to just chill and watch from afar. Gary captured all the pics I posted. He was pretty much our photographer this past weekend. Thanks G-dawg :)

This jet was so fast and so cool and super LOUD! We saw it break the sound barrier. The waves were fluttering as the plane flew over.
I know...sounds weird, and hard to explain.
Anyway, it was fun and the kids had a great time. Hayden has been pointing into the sky since Sunday mumbling something.
I'm thinking it is his version of airplane!

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Pop a Squat

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Gary took a ton of pictures this weekend and I didn't see half of them. A little bit ago I was downloading them onto the computer and came across this one. My two H's ~~ Harley & Hayden. It is so stinkin' cute. I'm not for sure what's going on here, but he looks so silly sitting like that. Maybe they are about to scrap over one of those balls. Harley LOVES to play ball!

Blah blah blah

Why be blah?

I mean blah like just going through the motions. Cleaning what must be cleaned, washing what must be washed. I usually do those things and do them well. I always leave the perfect vacuum marks, have a perfectly mopped floor, and a spotless kitchen counter with not a trace of a crumb. I am an organized person and I realize lately I have been halfway-ing (I just made up a random word) the simple daily tasks.

I think I am so hard on myself sometimes. But, this is my job...being a stay at home mom. I need to be the best at this job that God has provided me. I do love this job. Maybe I lost track of why I'm doing this job. I had to ask myself...Do the kids care if the counter top has crumbs? They don't even notice the vacuum marks.

This weekend Gary and I worked around the house. We got left over garage sale items organized and ready for charity. I gave the house the deep cleaning that it needed. It was wonderful and it gave me a fresh start. I feel renewed. I guess I was overwhelmed. I don't feel blah anymore, but I do realize that blah is okay sometimes.

It is those hills and valleys of life that shape and mold us into God's children. I will never complain about being blah. I am a happy person by nature. I can make the best of ANY situation. People usually can't tell if something is bothering me. I can't help but radiate funny and silliness.

But now that the blah is leaving me...I see that is was there. I'm sure we all have those blah moments and then realize they have crept in...

Bye bye blah...hello peace. Today I feel extreme PEACE.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27

Sunday, October 25, 2009

And the winner is...

A freshly bathed and pj clothed Layla drawing a name.

She glances at the name as if she can read the answer.
She says it starts with a 'K'

It is....

You guys have to visit her blog.

She has the best heart and is an amazing follower of Christ. She often blogs about fun crafts and organizational challenges! Her family is beautiful and her kiddos are so cute their little faces melt my heart.

Congratulations Kelli!!!!!

So onto the answer of the BIG question....What is on his ear????

The answer is a BLUEBERRY!
Thanks for playing my silly game.
I really wish I could have given more and to more of you!

Our amazing neighbors sweetly brought us homemade blueberry muffins last Saturday morning for breakfast. Hayden was devouring them, muffin after muffin they were flying into his mouth. I promise we do feed him!!
I just died laughing when I saw this tiny little blueberry attached perfectly to his ear. You know me I got my camera and started snapping away :)

Saturday, October 24, 2009


You guys have until 12 noon CST tomorrow to enter for a chance to win my silly contest. CHRISTMAS is upon us and Target is a fabulous place to purchase fun gifts!
All you have to do is guess what is on his ear.
All the people guess correctly will be in the drawing :)
Layla will draw one name out of her pink monkey cap.
Go here and comment to enter the contest.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Santa Fe Stew

What you'll need:

1 1/2 lbs ground beef
1 medium onion
olive oil
1 package Taco seasoning
1 can Ranch Style beans
2 cans whole kernel corn
1 can black beans
1 can Rotel

What you'll need to do:

Saute onion in olive oil, add ground beef. Drain browned beef and return to skillet. Add taco seasoning. Stir a bit and then transfer beef & onion mixture to a large pot. Add both cans of beans, corn and Rotel (including liquid from each can). Simmer for 30-45 minutes.

This is a thick stew, almost like chili. The longer you let it simmer the better it tastes.

I serve over corn bread and top with shredded cheese, black olives, sour cream and jalapenos for Gary.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

In case you were wondering.

This is my family blog and I am always blogging about my kids or food. Sometimes I feel like I don't really say much about myself. Yesterday Heather posted 'A little bit about me' and I thought it sounded fun. It helped me get to know her better so, hopefully this will help you get to know me better.
If you already know me...guess my answers!

1. What is your favorite thing to snack on while you are blogging?

I like to snack on goldfish crackers or grapes. I was addicted to candy corn for a couple of weeks, but that came to a screeching halt!!

I HAVE to have a glass of water on the coaster next to the mouse.

2. What is one thing you wouldn't want to live without?

I don’t think I could live without music! I love making music, listening to music, ALL things music! I can always find a good song to listen to. Don’t you just love how music reminds you of different times in your life? I love to turn on the tunes and let the memories flood my head.

I love going to church and listening to the choir. I love how God speaks to me through music and lyrics.

We always have music playing in our house. I love to see the kids dancing and singing and acting silly. It makes my heart happy! Layla is teaching Hayden to dance and it is super funny to watch!

3. Beach, Mountains, or Farm? Where would you live if you had a choice?

If I had to live somewhere day in and day out I would pick a Farm. I love wide open spaces with trees and room to roam.

However, I could have a vacation home on the beach and one in the mountains too. Can I have three homes and just move around monthly depending on the weather? See # 13 on making choices...hee hee.

4. What's your least favorite chore/household duty?

My least favorite household chore would be emptying the dishwasher.

5. Who do people say you remind them of?

I’m not sure who people say I remind them of. This question was the hardest for me. People have told me I look like Elisabeth Shue. However that was years ago.

Gary thinks I remind him of Paula Marshal ‘Allison Brooks’ from the show Gary Unmarried. I suppose I do act silly like her and say GAaaRrrrYeee like she does.

Come to think of it our house may be bugged and she heard me say it so many times…she copied ME!!

6. Do you prefer parties and socializing or staying home with the family?

I am a stay at home mom, so I am here all the time. I love being at home with my family. I love having us all here playing, cooking and making memories…

BUT I love to talk and visit and be with friends. Gary and I were together for 8 years (married for 5) before we had kids. Sometimes I miss that ‘get up and go’ to dinner/party life style.

7. What's your all time favorite movie?

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

8. Do you sleep in your make-up or remove it like a good little girl every night?

I always take my makeup off before bed, unless I am just SUPER exhausted.

9. Do you have a hidden talent or a deep desire to learn something that you've never had a chance to learn? What is it?

It really isn’t a hidden talent. Most people that know me in real life know that I love to act. I went to Tyler Junior College on a drama scholarship. Sometimes I wish I had time to do local theatre. It is so time consuming, but when my kiddos are older I will do it!

10. What's one strange thing you're really good at?

Strangely I am good at staring; I love staring. I am a great people watcher. I have always been able to stare people down and remember details about them. I can remember what they were wearing, from their hat to their shoes.

My mom worried about me when I was little because I would stare at people all the time. I think she was worried they would get annoyed by my glares.

11. What first attracted you to your spouse?

I was first attracted to Gary when I saw the way he is with people. He is funny and open and can talk to anyone about anything. He is so easy going and just goes with the flow. When we first met we worked together and he was so good with people! I wanted to talk to him all the time and that meant looking at him. He is so handsome. I’m glad I still get to talk to and look at him EVERYDAY.

12. What is something you love to smell?

I love when I hug Gary’s neck and I get a scent of his cologne. I love smelling my freshly bathed kids.

13. Tell something about you that you know irritates people.

I have a very hard time making decisions on my own. I can’t do the simplest things like pick out a restaurant. Oh gosh then get me to the restaurant…what do I order?? And don’t even ask me to pick out a movie…arghhhh.

I know for a fact I drive people nuts with my indecisiveness. I have been working on this. I am getting much better :)

14. When you have extra money, what's the first thing you think to do with it?

Ummmm…SPEND IT!!!

15. Are you a silent laugher or a loud laugher? What makes you laugh the hardest?

I am a loud laugher, always have been always will be. I love to laugh and the things my kids say or do. They usually make me laugh the hardest. Gary is the funniest person I know, so he really gets me laughing. Between my kids and him my abs get a great workout. Gary should be a comedian…on stage telling his funny jokes ;)

Gosh I'm painting a picture of a very loud household. HA!

16. Where is your favorite place to shop?

I LOVE Target.

But I also like Wal-Mart, Ross, The Children’s Place, Hobby Lobby, & Old Navy.

17. What's one thing you'd do more often if you had more time?

If I had more time, I’d read more. I love getting lost in a great book.

18. Are you a big spender or frugal?

Frugal, frugal, Frugal! I love to get a good deal!! It is a huge adrenaline rush for me.

19. Who is your favorite character of all time? (from a movie or a book, can't be real)

My favorite character of all time is probably Strawberry Shortcake. I loved her when I was little. I still have the dolls from way back then, and they are sitting on a shelf in Layla’s room. I still have my Strawberry Shortcake lunch box too.

20. Would you want to be famous?

I would love to be famous, but wouldn’t want it alter my family dynamic.

~The End~

I am sorry about your bleeding retinas...I know it is a long post.

Don't forget to Guess what is on his ear for a chance to win a TARGET gift card.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Can you guess what is on his ear?


(I know I know...he needs a haircut.)

This is my first giveaway, so I thought I'd make it fun!

Leave your guesses in my comments.
I will choose a winner on Sunday, October 25.
October 25th would have been Gary's dads 77th birthday. So I wanted to do something to include that date.
If you guess the correct answer you will get your name put in a hat.
I will stop taking guesses on Sunday at 12pm CST. I will have Layla draw a name and I'll post the winner Sunday night!
What am I giving away?? You know me! The Target lover I am...
A $20.00 Target gift card
I will mail it right to your door!
♥Good Luck♥

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Goose & Boots

When Layla was little she was so silly. Gary started calling her silly goose. I'm not sure why, but the name stuck. We still call her goose, well, mostly he does. She still answers to it. Oh, and she is definitely still silly!

She acts like...

Hayden has started answering to a nickname. Boots. He got a pair of boots a couple of weeks back, and he loves them. We were getting ready to go outside one afternoon and we asked him to go get some shoes...he brought his favorite pair...his boots.

Emily at Powell Power did this blog post about her kids.
I love it, think it is adorable, I'm copying her.
Thanks for the great idea :))

Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, October 19, 2009

favorite snack

If you haven't eaten this cheese you gotta try it.
Our house loves it! I'm not sure who likes it or the kids!
It is an easy and super yummy snack :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

T.P. Scarf

Hayden is into everything lately, and there isn't really much else to say.
The pictures speak for themselves :))

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Garage Sale & Football

I was a blog reading slacker the past week.

Why you ask?

I was going through the house grabbing all the needless things we have lying around. I was getting ready for the garage sale we had earlier today. Our neighborhood has a semi-annual sale, once in the fall and once in the spring. It is a wonderful way to get rid of stuff. Tons of people swarm our sub division of homes. Looking for junk prize possessions.

I didn't realize how much stuff we had that we don't use. It is gone now. YEAY!

Layla polished up on her mathematical skills and counted customers. She lost count really quickly! Hayden sat in his stroller and ate a plethora of goldfish crackers. Gary and I ran around yelling out prices to one another and making change. It was well organized {patting myself on back} and well...I am just glad it is OVER!

Friday, October 16, 2009

A day with BIG TEX

Hello tall man!

Our first!

The most important treat...cotton candy!

Carousel ride with dad.

She won a parrot playing the duck game.

She gave it to sweet!

Scoping out the Ferris wheel

It is huge...we are in Texas you know!

Layla could see everything!
I'm glad I didn't ride it :)
I'm afraid of heights.

Dad and Hayden watching Layla ride the

Hayden devouring a Fletcher's
corn dog! YUMMMMMMY!

Layla thought the corn dog was the BEST ever!

We had a fun family outing at the
State Fair of Texas :) Layla is obviously cotton
candy'd up on a crazy sugar high!