Sunday, October 25, 2009

And the winner is...

A freshly bathed and pj clothed Layla drawing a name.

She glances at the name as if she can read the answer.
She says it starts with a 'K'

It is....

You guys have to visit her blog.

She has the best heart and is an amazing follower of Christ. She often blogs about fun crafts and organizational challenges! Her family is beautiful and her kiddos are so cute their little faces melt my heart.

Congratulations Kelli!!!!!

So onto the answer of the BIG question....What is on his ear????

The answer is a BLUEBERRY!
Thanks for playing my silly game.
I really wish I could have given more and to more of you!

Our amazing neighbors sweetly brought us homemade blueberry muffins last Saturday morning for breakfast. Hayden was devouring them, muffin after muffin they were flying into his mouth. I promise we do feed him!!
I just died laughing when I saw this tiny little blueberry attached perfectly to his ear. You know me I got my camera and started snapping away :)


  1. haha, that is great! congrats to the winner!

  2. Congrats to Kelli, she is FAB and I love that he managed to get a blueberry stuck to his ear! hysterical!

  3. LOL I definitely wouldnt have guessed that!

  4. Congrats to the winner, I was going to ask how it got there! :)

  5. Thanks for the sweet comments..your kiddos are precious!!! I like Layla Kate very much too. I look forward to following you:)

  6. Look, it's my name in print!!! I'm so excited. Thank you Angie!!!

  7. AND...what nice things to say. I love your blog too and am truly grateful that we've connected in cyber space!


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