Monday, October 26, 2009

Blah blah blah

Why be blah?

I mean blah like just going through the motions. Cleaning what must be cleaned, washing what must be washed. I usually do those things and do them well. I always leave the perfect vacuum marks, have a perfectly mopped floor, and a spotless kitchen counter with not a trace of a crumb. I am an organized person and I realize lately I have been halfway-ing (I just made up a random word) the simple daily tasks.

I think I am so hard on myself sometimes. But, this is my job...being a stay at home mom. I need to be the best at this job that God has provided me. I do love this job. Maybe I lost track of why I'm doing this job. I had to ask myself...Do the kids care if the counter top has crumbs? They don't even notice the vacuum marks.

This weekend Gary and I worked around the house. We got left over garage sale items organized and ready for charity. I gave the house the deep cleaning that it needed. It was wonderful and it gave me a fresh start. I feel renewed. I guess I was overwhelmed. I don't feel blah anymore, but I do realize that blah is okay sometimes.

It is those hills and valleys of life that shape and mold us into God's children. I will never complain about being blah. I am a happy person by nature. I can make the best of ANY situation. People usually can't tell if something is bothering me. I can't help but radiate funny and silliness.

But now that the blah is leaving me...I see that is was there. I'm sure we all have those blah moments and then realize they have crept in...

Bye bye blah...hello peace. Today I feel extreme PEACE.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27


  1. Good bye blah...isn't it nice to reflect and learn. Ooh a nice deep clean makes me so happy! Hello fresh, new day!!!

  2. I so know that blah feeling that comes with doing things halfway. My oldest was on fall break for 2 weeks and while I enjoyed every second of time spent with her it threw off my normal cleaning schedule. Last week she went back to school and instead of getting back into my routine I looked around and felt blah and didnt get into my routine. I did a little of this and a little of that but I didnt do it WELL. This weekend I finished her room makeover and this week the routine has come back into full swing!

  3. Awesome! Peace is always better than blah!


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