Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Can you guess what is on his ear?


(I know I know...he needs a haircut.)

This is my first giveaway, so I thought I'd make it fun!

Leave your guesses in my comments.
I will choose a winner on Sunday, October 25.
October 25th would have been Gary's dads 77th birthday. So I wanted to do something to include that date.
If you guess the correct answer you will get your name put in a hat.
I will stop taking guesses on Sunday at 12pm CST. I will have Layla draw a name and I'll post the winner Sunday night!
What am I giving away?? You know me! The Target lover I am...
A $20.00 Target gift card
I will mail it right to your door!
♥Good Luck♥


  1. Ok, I really hope it's not a bug! :) A raisin?

  2. I'm thinking a raisin too! I'm just glad it's on his ear and not in his ear...that would not be very much fun!

  3. I'm going to have to say a blue berry!

  4. hmmm since they already picked raisin, im going with a chocolate chip?

  5. I want to say a plum or something, ha! He is so precious...seeing him makes me excited to be having a boy - what a doll!

    <3 Bon

  6. I am guessing a raisin too. Looks like it is a popular guess.

  7. My first guess was a raisin...but I'm going to say a fruit snack. Can't wait to find out what it is! You're so funny!

  8. looks like a blueberry to me too :)

    PS: nothing cuter than a little boy with longer hair :)

  9. This is so funny. I think it is a blueberry.

  10. Gosh, he is so freaking cute!

    I think it's a glob of jelly.

  11. I have no idea what it is!! I clicked on the picture and it doesn't look like jelly or a blueberry to me, so maybe a fruit snack? This is hard girl!!!

  12. It does look like a blueberry, but that's tough.

  13. I'm going back and forth between jelly or a gummy snack.

  14. I thought maybe he was eating a borwnie and a little got on his ear. But then I thought maybe a squished raisin. Hmmmm....Either way, he's sure cute.


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