Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Blast from the Past

I saw posts similar to this and couldn't resist posting my own.
I just had to join in the fun!

My little fairy

Layla's first Halloween! I will always remember this day because she started laughing out loud for the first time. She was giggling like crazy and so were we.


My little ladybug

Busy little bug. I looked for pics of Gary & I too, but couldn't find any. This is the year that Gary dressed up like an exterminator.

It was very cold in '06
Layla's little hands were like icicles at the end of the night.
My little cheerleader

She made a sassy little "cheeleador" as she said.

Rah rah ree


My little kitty

My little turtle
Hayden's first Halloween.
He wanted out of that suit so bad.
HA! I'm glad I got that pic. I didn't get any of the two kids together.
Last year was a wild time.


  1. I think that cheerleader is my favorite!! but they are all precious!!

    happy halloween

  2. So cute! I really like the ladybug! I had the same problem trying to find a pic of all my boys together!! I am going to make sure I get one this year!

  3. I love all the pics. Hope you guys have an awesome and safe Halloween.

  4. girl, I love seeing these pictures, I think it's so fun to walk memory lane and relive it!! So cute!!

  5. Those are too cute! I love all of Layla's costumes through the years...look how little she was! Precious! Loved looking back at all the fun Halloweens!


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