Sunday, October 4, 2009

Look at my garage sale crosses

Check out these crosses I got at a garage sale this weekend!
I think they are so cute and perfect. I have been looking for crosses and I go to Hobby Lobby each week looking for the 'perfect' crosses. They are NEVER on sale. I got several wall hangings at Hobby Lobby last week for 50 % off, but the crosses not so much. This is me happy☺

I haven't really been big into going to garage sales. I don't know why, it is just not something I have ever wanted to do on a Saturday morning. I went this weekend, and am a fan!! I found some really fun stuff!! I got Hayden a ton of clothes. We really aren't into name brands. I just like cute clothes that are fun and different for my kids. ANYWAY, I wouldn't have bought Hayden 'Polo' shirts. I got a few them for $1.00 a piece. REALLY??? Hayden stains everything so I'm not into spending $20 on a shirt he will ruin.
The garage sales in our neighborhood have really cool stuff...whoo hoo!!

Saturday afternoon we went to Layla's Fall Festival at her preschool, and it started to rain. She was so sad. It was a rain out! We had a fun night of watching college football. Gary cooked steak and potatoes on the grill! I was in heaven...we had a super fun night. It is always fun hanging out watching ball with my best friend...I am a lucky girl!
This morning we visited my parents and then came home to watch the Cowboys.
Go TEAM!! Hopefully they will win and my chili recipe will be a success. I am trying a new recipe today. Gary is the BIG chili cook in our household, so I'm hoping to show him up.
I hope you guys had a great weekend too!


  1. We are watching the Cowboys game right now! Go Cowboys!

  2. Those are cute crosses. I'm not a garage sale person, but I always see neat things people find. Hope your chili turned out!

  3. I LOVE those crosses. What a fabulous find.

  4. I have those same crosses in my entry way! I love them!! I'm not a big fan of garage sales either...I have enough of my own junk! Ha!! I'm having a garage sale on Saturday though.

  5. So sorry that Lala's festival got rained out, that stinks! My kids would have been sad too! Love your crosses and you know you have got me craving chili now!! YUM!!

  6. um..... I mean LaYla!!! I was just shy of a y!! ha!! :)

  7. Mmm....steak and potatoes, I would have been in Heaven too. I've never done garage sale shopping but I think I should try it. Great crosses!

  8. I love a good garage sale, but don't go as much as I used to. Those are a great find! I love them! And I love chili...I bet it tasted awesome! Yummy! We finally had a great Fall day on this weather! Have a great day!

  9. That's great that you've discovered garage sales! You just never know what you'll find--sometimes nothing, others times real treasures. And you can't beat the prices. I haven't bought any clothes in a store for at least a couple of years!

  10. I love those crosses! I have been going to Hobby Lobby for months wanting to find a few crosses on sale, too! Maybe I should hit up some garage sales this weekend -- I never even thought about that.

    P.S. Thanks for the comment and for following my blog! :)


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