Monday, October 26, 2009

Pop a Squat

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Gary took a ton of pictures this weekend and I didn't see half of them. A little bit ago I was downloading them onto the computer and came across this one. My two H's ~~ Harley & Hayden. It is so stinkin' cute. I'm not for sure what's going on here, but he looks so silly sitting like that. Maybe they are about to scrap over one of those balls. Harley LOVES to play ball!


  1. I love how he wears his hat down on his forehead. It looks like he's ready to pounce.

  2. lol! I love the title of this post!

  3. What a cutie! He looks like a little frog!

  4. So cute :) They look like they are facing off, don't they! LOL! I wish Dan would take more pictures, it's nice to have someone else's perspective besides mine! That's why I love letting my kids take pictures too :)

  5. I love the hat! He's so handsome.

  6. Too cute! I have pics of my boys sitting like that outside too. Maybe it has something to do with not wanting to touch the grass!?!

  7. You are adorable. Your family is adorable! hahaha this picture makes me laugh so hard.


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