Sunday, October 11, 2009

Weekend in photos

We had a nice weekend relaxing at home.

I took some fun photos.

The kids made hobo stew and

acted like monkeys.

Don't you think you should watch where you are going?

Mums are my fav!

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  1. I heart the flower pics...gorgeous!

  2. Mums are my favorite, too. The best this time of year! Cute pics. :)

  3. Gotta love those simple relaxing weekends... great pics!

  4. Those mums are so pretty! They would be brown and crunchy within a week at my house! This year I cheated and just stuck some wooden pumpkins in my flower pots:)

  5. LOve the mums! Mine are already dead-looking ;( Should've taken pics before that, huh? haha! The kids are so cute, they look like best friends :)


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