Monday, October 5, 2009

My hobbies~FMM!

Happy Monday!

Yay for another addition of Friend Makin' Monday.

Today Amber wants to know:

What are your hobbies?

I love taking pictures. I have always been a camera "carrying' person. In high school I always had a camera on the side line cheering on the football team, or at track meets. It is one of my favorite ways to capture memories, and it still is.

Enter...the blogging hobby. I can share all of my pics with my family and friends. I am not a professional picture taker by any means, but I love sharing the pics I do capture.

I LOVE to cook. I know most people think I am crazy. It is work, but usually fun for me! I love preparing new and different foods for my family to try.

I love to decorate and redecorate my house.

I love to go camping. I think when Hayden to gets a bit older we will go more often.

I enjoy watching TV at night after the kiddos go to bed. I really need the down time, and Gary and I enjoy hanging out and visiting while watching our favorite shows and sports. Sometimes while watching TV I will browse a magazine. I can't seem to find time for books, so magazines are right up my alley!

What do you wish that you knew how to do?

I wish I knew how to sew. My mother is an excellent seamstress, but I'm not sure I am 'wired' that way. I can't sit still long enough to finish time consuming tasks.

I wish I knew how to play the guitar. It is one thing Gary and I both wish we could do. I bought a 'teach yourself' book and we have a guitar now all we need is time!!

I wish I knew how to water ski. We love to go camping/boating. I want my kids to ski, so I need to learn too!

What do you wish you had more time to do?

I wish I had more time to make jewelry. I had a small side business but haven't made anything in months. I don't have time and Hayden would eat all my beads and supplies! I is so fun to make necklaces, earrings and bracelets. It is fun to pick out an outfit and then make the accessories to match!

I wish I had more time to read books. I love to read and before I had kids I read all the time.
Now all I read about is how to raise good kids. I do make time for self help, and recipe books.
I wish I had more time to scrapbook, but I really like keeping my online scrapbook = blogging.

I wish I had more time to play the piano. The kiddos let me play, but they alter the music a bit with their exploratory fingers tapping the keyboard.

I wish I had more time to garden. I love growing things, but since Hayden was born I feel like I am so overwhelmed. I don't want to kill my crops!


  1. I LOVE your blog! Where in Texas are you? Do you do pictures on the side?

  2. I like to watch tv after the kids go to bed, and browse magazines and wish I had more time to read too! Enjoyed reading your list. Happy Monday!

  3. I swear you just wrote a whole post for me because I could have had most of the exact same answers for everything!

  4. I'm right there with you, being the kind of person who enjoys cooking - especially cooking new things. So nice to "meet" you!!

  5. You have a great blog!

    I love photography as well. I've even gone as far as taking photography classes at a local camera shop. Who knows, maybe one day I can make money at it! =)

    We seem to have a lot in common. Except for the camping part. LOL!

  6. I love the whole taking pictures thing, but I don't have the cooking gig quite down pat yet! Just found your blog from Powell Power and you have such an adorable blog!

  7. Happy FMM! I love taking pictures, blogging, deocrating my house, and I enjoy the down time after my son goes to bed. I always wished I could learn to ski I'm the only one in the family that didnt master that skill.

  8. What a great list...we have much in common! I love photography too. LOVE IT. Wish I could spend more time learning about it.

    And I wish I could play the guitar and sew also. But...I will say I am a long term water skiier. :)

    Have a great day Angie.

  9. I really wish I loved to cook. It's OK, but I want to really enjoy it more. I also wish I was better at gardening. Good thing my mom is teaching me.!

  10. Your blog is so pretty! I'd love to make jewelry, too... maybe I'll get around to it someday... :)


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