Thursday, October 1, 2009


Holy was a crazy day. I had the day all planned in my head. Wake up, coffee, breakfast, clothes on me and kids, get in car, play at park all morning with fun friends, come home, have lunch, and take naps. I would blog and catch up on a load or two of laundry while kids were napping and eat some candy corns...gosh I gotta stop that!

Needless to say the day was much different than I had planned in my head.

So if my grammar is jacked up...who cares I am half crazy right now!

We woke up to rain, which is nice, but not when you want to tire out the kids at the park. Minor set back. Play date cancelled by me because I don't want a million kids running around in my house all cooped up. I have noses of my own kids to wipe, and don't want to be closed up in a house (mine or anyone elses) with more that two boogery kids...I know I know, I am rude!!

But can you say FLU? I'm paranoid.

The kids (my two) start playing in the living room and things get crazy, and before noon Hayden and Layla both have battle scars. Layla pulled a blanket out from under Hayden while he was standing on it and I though he had been shot! He shrieked louder than a girl. Layla was standing on something and fell and it hurt a mysterious rash on her arm. Her words? She had a rash I didn't know about, and he hit it with something while she was falling. Probably the drum stick that he was hitting Callaway with.

Poor pup.

Hayden woke up from his nap and we had lunch. Lunch gave him the energy to tear my house apart. Arghhhh. I save receipts, and he tore them out of the box and had them spread all over the house. I moved him out of the office and shut the door. WRONG...he was not happy about that, so he threw himself backwards and flung his body onto the tile floor. I have seen some temper fits, but WOW...none like that! I was so worried about him for an hour or so. BUT he was just fine. He found the toilet paper and made another mess.

I'm a professional cleaner-uper!

I'm tired just thinking about all that happened in this house today.

I am off to watch Grey's and Private Practice! I can't wait to kick back and relax. But first I must share one last thing. Right before bed Hayden caught a fly and ate it. I had to stick my finger into his mouth and pull it out. That is NASTY!!! I can't believe he caught a fly, and then tried to EAT it. Arghhhh! I think I may have hurt him; I was brushing his teeth so hard.

I think that takes the cake on crazy random things that can happen in a day. Gosh, I didn't even post about ALL the craziness...heehee! You just can't make this stuff up!


  1. I would have brushed the teeth really hard too- gross! I hope tomorrow is much for orderly and peaceful. If not, just lock yourself in your room for a time out.

  2. Your day sounds like mine! Here it is 1130 at night and Im still trying to unwind so I can go to sleep!

  3. I'm tired just by reading that. That is a crazy day. I think there's something in the air. I yelled at my kids last night, like REALLY yelled. And yuck...the fly. I hope the rest of your evening was relaxing. I'm catching up on Private Practice tonight and I can't wait. Have a great weekend.

  4. We have days like that all the time! Battle wounds have become the norm around my house with three very rough boys in it! I have grey's and private practice waiting on the DVR for to watch during naptime...I can't wait!

  5. Makes my day seem pretty boring. I can't compete with that.

  6. Wow. Crazy. On yucky rainy days we always make a trip to the library. We have a great kids area. I want to get a mini tramp to use on yucky and/or winter days to help D burn off energy. Hope today is going better.


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