Saturday, November 28, 2009

3 Day Blur

#### UPDATED ####
I'm adding a few pics since blogger is allowing me to!!

Celebrating Thanksgiving was so much fun this year.

The kids had a ball, ate too much pie and marshmallows...but hey, it was a hoot! We started off the festivities at my parents house with my family on Thursday. Friday Gary's family came for lunch here at our house, and then we ended Friday with some great friends hanging out with us until tonight. It all happened so fast my head is still spinning!!

Or not...blogger won't let me upload pics :/

Pics to come soon :))

Hayden saying he is DONE with turkey for the season!! He was rolling around on the ground being a total goof ball.

I just love this picture of Gary and his sweet!

And that is all for the pics I took on Friday.

I took more shots, but non of the others were cute...bummer.

1 comment:

  1. Your Thanksgiving sounds alot like mine...between my family, Jason's family, and shopping on Friday I can barely keep my eyes open! Can't wait to see the pics...I left my camera at home the whole weekend!


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