Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fabulous November Weather

You just never know from one day to the next what kind of weather we will be having here in Texas. Yesterday was wonderful, and this morning is chilly again. I think it was around 70 yesterday and today will be a high of 61.
We play outside when we can...we have lots of energy!

Harley is smart...she is getting out of dodge...the kiddos were running crazy.

See what I mean?

Little guy pointing out airplane, after airplane, after airplane.
Future air traffic controller?

Or movie star?

The weather even made the dogs frisky!


  1. I LOVE TEXAS WEATHER :) Happy Thanksgiving yall!

  2. That is nice weather! We pretty much play outside in whatever weather...that way I don't have to clean up inside! :)

  3. Sounds like our weather! In the morning Im sitting with a throw blanket and hot coffee and by afternoon its perfect park weather!

  4. wow that weather does look like fun!!!

  5. What fun pictures! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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