Tuesday, November 10, 2009

For the Love of Pickles

We just got home from Layla's four year well-child visit. She was so nervous about getting shots...she got four of the stinkin' things, but she did GREAT!
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Our little girl is not so little anymore. She is 39.9 pounds and stands 38 1/2 inches tall. She was talking to Dr. S like she was 14...just chatting away about her favorite foods (ribs and mac&cheese). She is perfectly healthy except for some silly ole crusty cough that she has had for about 2 days. We got some sample meds to conquer that cough.
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Layla is loving school right now. She is very excited about going on a field trip to the zoo tomorrow. She can't wait to show 'brother' all the animals. Some days she loves him and some days she wants nothing to do with him. While we were waiting for Dr. S to come into the room this morning LK was telling HC about all the zoo animals we will see, and then the conversation turned to Christmas.
She is very excited about the holiday season. She was showing Hayden the Wal-mart toy catalogue. She is trying to help him make his list...as well as hers. She wants a two seater PowerWheels jeep. So fun!!!

(already wearing a Christmas shirt)

Before I put her down for her nap a few minutes ago we were having lunch and she was eating a pickle. She said she wanted to take a pickle seed from the pickle and bury it in the backyard. She said she's gonna water it and then someday she can just walk out back, grab a pickle off the pickle tree, wash it and eat it. Wow...great idea little Missy! Mommy would love that, almost as much as the samage (massage) she was giving me the other day. She said it like she said it correctly. The constant source of my daily laughs!


  1. Kids are just so stinkin' cute!

  2. What a sweetheart... I just love her name too!!

  3. She is so smart! Glad everything went well at her appointment. Love the pickle story!

  4. How sweet is she? I love how she was helping Hayden with his Christmas list. Jamison has that same shirt. Guess where I went yesterday...Target! Thanks for the gift card!!!!!

  5. Libby would LOVE a pickle tree!!! That is great!

  6. I would love me a pickle tree too!

  7. How fun....I wish there really was a pickle tree!! My boys are the same way...one minute they love each other and the next they are rolling on the ground fighting!

  8. my boys love pickles....and how fun would a 'pickle tree' be?!?!

    love this story.

  9. First time visitor!

    You have such beautiful children-- and their names are gorgeous! Your daughter sounds hilarious. Ribs as a favorite food? Sounds like she could have grown up in my house!


  10. A pickle tree would be awesome! How funny :)

    She's so adorable, glad to hear she's doing so well...but why do they grow so fast!

    Emily wore a reindeer shirt yesterday too! Guess it's never too early to start the holidays! {They would be fun friends, I think!}


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