Monday, November 30, 2009

The halls are decked

Sunday we decorated the Christmas tree!
It was very fun for Layla...she was so into each ornament.
Hayden was in demolition mode...typical 16 month old boy!!


  1. Charlie's Mr. Demolition fact, we only decorated the top half of the tree!

  2. Oh yes... decorating with small ones... it's just a fun adventure isn't it?? They look so excited!

  3. I love Hayden on the step stool! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. We are decking our halls on Wednesday.

  4. Cute pics! I am a little worried about what Eli is going to do to our Christmas tree...I think that is why I am putting off getting one for at least another week {maybe two}!

  5. I haven't done the Christmas decorating yet. I am having a really hard time getting motivated! Hopefully by this weekend I will get into the spirit!

  6. LOL! Layla is all decked out too! Such a pretty, big tree! So fun!

  7. Good for you, I feel so behind on everything! Blah! Looks like the kids had a blast!

  8. We have the tree up..that's it so far. Sick boys didn't want to do too much, so holding off for them a little longer.

    Cute pictures!

  9. TOO cute! Love your little helper elves. We put everthing up this weekend but are doing an "ornament party" with MiniMac tonight. So precious. His interest is so real and unspoiled at this age.

  10. I can't wait to see all the decorations and the finished tree!! The kids look like they were having a great time!


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