Monday, November 23, 2009

Hubby is cooking tonight...whew!

After a trip to the library, I played with the kids outside ALL afternoon. I am worn smoooooth out!! The kids were busy & crazy outside.
I took lots of pics (to come soon)!
I came inside and made the kids chicken nuggets and an apple!
Woohoo...go me on the big bad cook I am tonight.

Gary came home and heard what was on the

menu and wasn't digging chicken nuggets and apples.

(My plan worked!!!)

He cooked....a gigantic not WW friendly [deep dish] pizza...but oh so yummy!

I'm gonna eat pizza & watch the Texans whip the Titans!


  1. Isn't that always nice when the hubby cooks?! Mine has been doing that more often lately since I have been prego. Glad you enjoyed your evening!

  2. That is awesome! My hubby made home made pizza last night too :)

  3. homemade pizza is so good & even better when the hubby makes it!!


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