Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lions, tigers & bears...Oh My!

What on earth would make Hayden point and stare like this?
and what is up with that look on MY face??

Why the elephant of course!! He was very into the elephants.
He was very into EVERY animal at the zoo yesterday.

Surprise!!! Auntie joined us at the zoo too :))
LK's whole preschool class & is a fun day.

My FAVORITE part of the whole zoo ~~ the penguins.
I'm so sad...this is the only pic that turned out :(

LK and her little BF!

Layla's class and her amazing teachers.

Here kitty kitty...Hayden was hissing at the cat.

My girl & I!
The zoo was so much fun!
I loved it, maybe more than the kids.

The turkeys were so pretty. The turkey to the left was being a real 'turkey' by giving us a show. He/she turned around and fluffed its feathers at us and showed it's hiney to us. It was a very silly & sassy turkey.

Layla and Auntie had a fun ride on the carousel. I'm not sure what they are looking at right here, but I thought it was a cute shot.
We can't wait go back to the zoo again soon.
I hope our next trip the weather is as great as it was yesterday.


  1. I love the zoo! I could seriously go every week and still adore it!

  2. Nothing like going to the zoo! And, the Fort Worth Zoo is GREAT! I love that zoo!

  3. I love the zoo. I can't wait to I can share it with my children one day. Looks like you all had a great time.

  4. I haven't been to a zoo for many years. We don't have any around here. :-(

    I love the penguins too...

  5. Looks like a fun day! Thank you SO much for coming over to my blog and entering my giveaway!!! Good luck!

  6. I love your zoo pictures!! You crack me up commenting about that look on your face!! I have a ton of those pictures too!! So glad Layla and her class had a great time! We are trying to make it to the zoo at some point, we'll see!

  7. How fun! I love the zoo...and the penguins are so cute! The last time we went, the penguins were gone :( I hope they're back next time...we like to go at Christmas time when all the lights are up! The weather looks great there! So glad you could enjoy it with Auntie :)

  8. That looks like a SUPER fun trip to the zoo! I really like the elephants is fun to watch them get a bath with the big scrub brushes!!

  9. I was just thinking how it has been so long since we've been to the zoo. We passed ours yesterday and they have up the lights and it looked so pretty.


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