Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gobble Gobble

Gary took a few pictures of Layla this morning before school. Her class is having their Thanksgiving feast today, and she was so happy to wear her NEW handmade turkey shirt.

We had so much fun making it. It was easier than I thought. I just knew we'd have paint all over the kitchen. She asked me half a million times for a turkey shirt, and I couldn't find one in stores. So, we just made one ourselves.

Hayden, sporting his PJ's is gazing at his big sis!

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  1. TOOOO CUTE! She's is sooo stylish!

  2. How cute! All ready for her feast!

  3. I love her pose. She is a true diva, trying to match for the holiday. I love the ribbon in her hair!

  4. She is a sweet model! I love her shirt, she should be so proud! And her boots are adorable! I want that outfit too ;)

  5. Love the shirt and the boots! Too cute!!

  6. I knew it would be that cute!!! I just KNEW it! I also love that way that little sweetheart just strikes a pose! Such a natural. :)

  7. I cant help but sing "vogue, vogue!" Love her poses!

  8. oh she looks so cute! And I just love the pigtails :)

  9. Those boots are so cute! What a little style maven you have!

  10. That is so cute and she is rockin' those boots!

  11. oh heavens this is the cutest thing ever!! you are going to have so much trouble with the boys in years to come, she is beautiful!


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