Friday, November 6, 2009

The reason pita chips were invented

I bought pita chips the other day while we were shopping at Sam's. I was looking for something snacky (yep I just made up that word.) like chips, but didn't want chips. Low and behold...they were giving out samples of these 'chips.'

Do you shop at Sam's/Costco?

Layla loves when we go to Sam's. She always wants to get the yummy samples from the "ladies that look like your grandma." Her words people...her words exactly. Every time I mention Sam's she goes on hunger strike until we arrive. She gladly rides in the double basket next to her brother so they can sample everything in site that "grandma" is serving. Of course as she savors each bite she thinks it is the best thing she has ever had and we MUST purchase all the sampled products.

Wow I really got off topic...I'm sharing this recipe today because it goes fabulously with the pita chips we bought at Sam's!

Spinach and Artichoke Dip

1 10 oz package frozen chopped spinach, thawed & drained
1 14 oz can artichoke hearts, drained & chopped
1 cup shredded Italian cheese blend
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 cup Alfredo sauce

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a small casserole dish, mix the spinach, artichoke hearts, cheese,
mayonnaise, and Alfredo sauce.
Bake 20 minutes in the preheated
oven until lightly browned.

Gary and I love the dip and the pita chips. Once we got the chips home...Layla doesn't like them. I think pita chips and this dip are a match made in heaven...YUM!


  1. My boys love Sam's! Not only are there free samples...but you can get a HUGE slice of pizza and a drink for like $2!! I'm not a big fan of the spinach always looks good and everybody else LOVES it...but it's not my favorite.

  2. We love Sam's too. You can always get a "free meal" if you're hungy.

    That looks like a very easy recipe, something for this weekend. Yummy!

  3. I love pita chips!!! Your dip sounds heavenly:)

  4. This is one of my favorite appetizers! I love pita chips too. Trader Joe's has really good ones. I love it with hummus.

  5. Sams/Costco is dangerous with their samples

  6. Costco is one of my fave places. And unfortunately I bought a 5 lb bag of Pita chips and there are only 2 adults here. LOL. Your dip sounds awesome!

  7. We have a member to Sam's and can you believe I've never been! gasp! I lost my membership card, so I feel funny going in...better get over and GO! My mouth is watering, sounds yummy! Layla is funny, I love her description of the 'ladies'! ;)

    {I thought for sure I was a follower and can't believe how much I've missed! I'm following now!}

  8. Recipe sounds so yummy!! I love Costco's but there is not one close to me. I bought a membership right when we moved here and never bought anything from there in a year!! A waste of $50! :(

  9. That sounds like a delicious recipe! I love spinach and artichoke anything...and pita chips! YUM!


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