Thursday, November 5, 2009

Running through my mind

I was a runner in high school. Some days I ran as many as 8 or more miles a day. I loved it. I know C-R-A-Z-Y, but I did.

Everywhere I go lately, I see runners. I have been thinking about if for months. I hear people talk about it, posting their mileage on Facebook.
It is pretty much being thrown in my face.

Has that happened to you?

You know, when you think about something and as the days pass you keep getting hints of that thought?
Anyway, I'm gonna do it. I'm going to start running again, in fact I already have. I ran on Sunday and other days this week so far, it felt great. I found myself a training schedule and I'm gonna do it! I'm not sure what race I'm gonna commit to, but I'm thinking a half marathon (13miles). Hopefully, my friend Crystal who also also mentioned running will help me train. Ahem...
Gary and I are doing an event together in May with another couple. I will post more about it is a viking like adventure.
So, right in the middle of all the good holiday feasting and baking and cooking I have put myself on Weight Watchers and started running around the neighborhood like crazy. Btw...Weight Watchers online is awesome. I may still do The Shred, like I have been doing, but hopefully I will get in better shape running.
I'm stoked! Ready to run!


  1. I was a runner in HS and college too and took it back up a year ago. I'm lovin' it!

  2. I run from scary critters around here in the desert...does that count?

  3. Way to go girlie. Good for you putting your best foot forward! I'm sure you'll do great.

  4. Glad to see you've taken a sip of the Kool Aid. I'm interested to hear what you and G-man are getting into. I'm trying to talk Kb into doing a Muddy Buddy. It looks so fun!

  5. I love to run too... I just can't seem to find alone time to actually DO IT! Good luck

  6. Good for you!! I am so NOT a runner, but I wish I was!

  7. Good for you. Have fun training. I am so not a runner....

  8. I wish I was a runner. I "sort of" ran in high school...but there is no hope for me now!

  9. You CAN do it!! I am here to cheer you on! Hope you will join us in Austin on 2.14.10!
    Starting my training today! Eeek!


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