Sunday, November 29, 2009

Turkey Day @ my parents

We had Thanksgiving lunch at my parents house with my family on Thursday. We enjoyed tons of food!! It is always fun catching up with everyone. I took a few pictures after our meal, but didn't get any eating action shots.
I'm sure the family is happy about that!!

I just had to post this picture of Hayden stretching out after a large meal.

Aunt Pat and Kacie cheering for our team.
We cheered and watched UT play the Aggies. Hook'em Horns!!
Hayden and DeDe (my daddy) They are best buddies!!

After lunch snack. Even though we had just eaten, Layla wanted a snack.
I loved wearing olives on my fingers when I was a kid! Maybe I still do :))
Action shot from afar. Everyone was so full. We just sat around and chatted on the patio. The kids ran in the yard like crazy people! Just like a normal day...HA!

We were being silly girls...we had so much fun.

My mom and I.
Thanks for the yummy Thanksgiving meal!!


  1. These are great pics. Olives on fingers always make me think of little frog feet. So cute. Love Layla's hair bow. And WOW, Mom looks like she could be your sister!

  2. Great pics, especially the first one of Hayden! He is so cute!

    My FIL is a UT fan so we were pulling for Texas. I am a Bama fan at heart so hopefully we will be cheering against each other in the championship game!!

  3. Fun times and you got to be outside!!!! Your mom is beautiful! I laughed at Layla because when my family gets together the olives are always gone too...I wonder what it is about them?

  4. Great pics! I love the one of Hayden stretching after his big meal....too cute!


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